Grandpa’s Boys.

Anyone who has read my work knows that I love crews.

There is a local crew of members of my demographic that have grown up with each other in the Berthoud area.

They gather at Grandpa’s Cafe in Berthoud most mornings to have some coffee, maybe breakfast, and to shoot the shit.

Some arrive in these classic antique cars. So cool. I am definitely going to wrangle a ride in one or more of these at some point in the near future.

On Fridays some of these old dudes’ better halves join them. Lovely ladies. Feisty crew.

I mention some of them by name in The Claire Trilogy and provide shout outs to the entire crew in my acknowledgments.

Whenever Lisa and I go to breakfast at Grandpas, we make it a point to stop by their tables and exchange a little well-intentioned shit talk. Always a lot of laughs.

So if any of you ever come to Berthoud, stop by Grandpa’s in the morning and have a delicious breakfast. If you see a cluster of older dudes sitting around a few adjoining tables, stop and introduce yourself. Say something witty to stir them up. Doesn’t take much to get them going. They are a wonderful bunch. Tell them Tom sent you.

Well, yesterday I was side tracked by Lisa’s desire to replace the dead sticks in the front flower pots with lovely flowers. In all fairness, she usually handles this herself, but she is still recovering from cracked ribs so has a tough time transplanting the large flower baskets and lifting the soil bags.

So I’ll just have to play catch up with my chores today and tomorrow.

I hope you fine, five readers are making time to be with family and friends.

Find your crew this weekend and talk a little shit. Have a laugh.

If you are like me, you may find that your oldest friends offer the highest ROI.

The members of the Grandpa’s Boys crew epitomize that.

But newer friends can work just as well in a pinch.

Okay, time to cuddle the kitty, make my rounds and . . . fuck it. . . skip the dreadmill and go out to breakfast.

But whatever we all end up doing, let’s make today a great one.

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