Going Live On Book #5 – Never Give Up!

Thursday was a banner day for me in my relatively brief – 3 year – life as a writer. First, Where The Ley Lines Meet, Book 5 of The Claire Saga, went live for pre-order on the Black Rose Writing website.


That suddenly made it all very real. The Claire Saga was completed. My LOTR was done and dusted.

That is approximately 3 years to the date that the first book, The Wise Ass, in what eventually evolved from a one-off novel to The Claire Trilogy, and continued evolving into its present form, a five volume The Claire Saga, went live on that same publisher’s website in November 2020.

The excitement of seeing a book with your name on it up on the internet for the world to see does not wane. I still pinch myself.

Thank you, Reagan Rothe, for taking that chance on a 63 year old novice.

In a world where youth and beauty and natural, overnight sensations are lauded in the publishing industry, my story is an anachronistic tale of perseverance and hope.

Well, let’s hear it for all the old dudes/dudettes whose mantra remains “I may not be as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.”

And strangely enough, being that old dog with a new trick may be working in my favor. Yesterday, a new on-line magazine that caters to the young, hip, artsy, coastal demographic, published a wonderful article on my unexpected writing career:


Seriously, I felt like the lone, barefoot hobbit standing among the beautiful elves. But that’s okay, sore thumbs stand out. And these young webzine writers and editors are just fantastic to work with. They really are attentive and patient. And smart.

It’s actually the third time this past year one of these beautiful artists’ webzines have published something about me – and I have my dear friend and brilliant writer Christy Cooper Burnett – https://christycooperburnettbooks.com/ – to thank because she dropped my name in the right young West Coast ear:



I am so honored to be mentioned among all of the talented young creatives that appear in these magazines. Their talent, art and enthusiasm, is going to change the world.

Still, I’m hoping these articles, and the success of The Claire Saga, reflect the dawning of a geriatric Renaissance.

I remember how the 70s saw a resurgence in JRR Tolkien’s readership and an rapid expansion of his demographic base.

I’m hoping I can repeat that trick with The Claire Saga on an accelerated schedule. I think it has a lot to offer the youngins.

As my publisher, Reagan Rothe, put it: “They can’t get enough of your raw, unfiltered, old school vibe. It’s like a treasure for them! :)”

One man’s junk, as they say . . . . a literary curiosity shop.

You see, that idea of major second acts that appears to be my own life is reflected in the storyline of The Claire Saga.

In The Wise Ass, Jimmy McCarthy, a BIC lawyer in his 60s, gets a second chance at life in WITSEC, as Jimmy Moran, through the intervention of the mafia, government, mysticism, magic and alien technology. And of course, Claire the Mule. Goodfellas meets Wizard of Oz.

I think that original storyline rang a bell with a large swath of my demographic, sort of the “Cocoon effect”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocoon_(film). Hey Opie, pay attention, we’re still here.

Age is just a number.

And we still love sex like we invented it, because we did.

Luckily, my original demographic are old school readers and can sustain focus for more than a TikTok moment. That was the primary benefit that allowed me to establish a following.

And, luckily, my books dropped during a default resurgence in lockdown reading caused by the COVID pandemic. Like being one of a few books on the prison library cart.

And, luckily, my books dropped during an unprecedented shift in the government’s disclosure policies concerning alien visitation to our planet, brought about through the relentless efforts of brilliant men like Dr. Steven Greer: https://drstevengreer.com/

Suddenly, the storylines that developed in my books seem very real. You’d never believe it if I told you.

Indeed, I dedicate WTLLM to Dr. Greer and The Disclosure Project.

The past three years have been a perfect literary storm. As I enter this 68th year, I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

So Hollywood, take note. There are a bunch of retirees with sharp minds and plenty of time and money to watch films that resonate with them, and the next generations seem to enjoy the old school gangster approach to life by their recent ancestors. An enticing, romantic world that no longer exists except in their folklore and genetics, transitioning into a brand new universe delivered right to their feet that offers nothing but promise and hope. A blockbuster cocktail.

The young folk need hope. They need to reconnect to laugh and cry as an extended family, blood and adopted. Bond. Hang onto that connection. Remember where they come from so they can handle where they are going. It’s all happening now.

The Claire Saga can help with that.

And I want to thank you fine, five readers for helping me get here.

Well, speaking of now, I now have some kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

And the magical Friday has arrived to usher us softly into the weekend.

I hope each one of the five have something interesting on their respective plates.

If nothing else, watch the night skies this weekend:


You never know what you may see.

But whatever else we do, let us make today a great one.

4 Responses

  1. That’s a great interview Tommy. It might inspire another writer to be persistent and follow that dream just as you have.
    BTW! Those are great pics you chose to share in the interview.

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