Full Moons And Book Launches

Today is the first day of the March Full Moon cycle, the Worm Moon, which peaks tomorrow, March 25th.

Last night, when I fed Claire and Honey their last meal, it’s precursor was hauntingly beautiful.

And this morning, when I fed them their first meal, it was even more so.

At 39 degrees it’s practically tropical.

It’s a great night for grounding.

So I did.

The next full moon will be April 22-26th. The Pink Moon.

Between now and then, Where The Ley Lines Meet will drop. April 16th.

We also need to get through the hot topic Solar eclipse on April 8th, so these are auspicious times. Shakespeare wasn’t a fan. King Lear (1.2.109-112); Othello (5.2.121-125).


So I made sure to have those intention candles burning.

Because you can’t leave your successes in life to chance, or fate, and I need all the help I can get.

Yesterday was a busy day. The weather was nice right out of the gate.

The snow capped 3 Witches looked particularly pretty from the road in front of Casa Claire .

Lisa worked a long day per diem, so I spent the time getting most of my chores done, both food prepping and outdoor work.

The creatures on Casa Claire love to eat and shit.

While I refilled troughs and hay bags, and shovelled and shifted barrows of mule muffins, Claire and Honey mowed the lawn.

Then hung with Blue out back, while one of the neighboring horses looked on, just a bit jealous. Can’t blame her.

And finally Blue followed me inside and grabbed a nap in Lisa’s chair with her favorite toy, to celebrate National Puppy Day.

I won’t lie, I was just as tired, but nowhere near as cute.

I did find time yesterday to hop on an exploratory conference call with my older brother Eddie (yep, from The Claire Saga), whose friend, a great guy, ex-Celtic Kevin Stacom –


was also on the call along with his good friend, who has Hollywood connections – think Goodfellas. That friend was a pisser, and we had a long and interesting conversation. We got along. Shared some laughs. When it was all said and done, he promised to read TWA. We’ll see where that goes. Wish me luck.

Full moons are a great time to capitalize on projects, so who knows?

Over the next few weeks I need to really gear up the marketing for this book release. I don’t do the conventional book launch parties. I don’t do conventional ads. Since this is my fifth rodeo, I’ve come to understand that I need to make sure my readers are excited by the book dropping. So, I work social media like a hooker during fleet week. And I’m just as shameless.

I never ever start thinking about the next book until the one in the hopper launches. Bad luck.

So, you never know, at my age it could be my last book. We are all on borrowed time. One rule to follow – bearded artists should stay out of the cornfields.

So, I better make this launch a success. This book is really special, and if it is my last, take it from me – and my inner circle of readers – it is my best, and I am proud as shit over it.

So, Lisa left me with a couple of things to do. So I better get hopping.

First, some kitty cuddles and my rounds.

I hope you fine, five readers are enjoying March Madness. We watched the NC State squeak of a win in OT over Oakland. Great game.

Some more today.

But whatever else we do today, let us make it a great one.

5 Responses

  1. Happy Palm Sunday, “Feets” McCaffrey.👣 A big day for Christians, mule/donkeys and the palm industry, such as it is. Hope you can take a few to fashion the little ✝️we were taught as kids at SMS and give your mules a little extra attention. Ypur brother’s pal Kevin Stacom was part of that marvelous Providence College Friars team with Ernie D and Marvin “Bad News” Barnes that made such a memorable run in the NCAA tourney. Great memories.

  2. GOOD LUCK with the book launch marketing and movie prospects 🤞🤞 It really is a fantastic book and it’s going to do great!
    (That silhouetted photo of Claire with the moon is fabulous😎🤩😮)
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Yeah, I was setting up her dish this morning and spotted the moon coming over her back so I snapped a shot.

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