Full Moon On Friday – Grayson Sacca

Another gorgeous early morning meal with Claire and Honey at Casa Claire. With the first night of the full February Snow Moon upon us, I am thankful that the flurries yesterday didn’t stick. You see, the ladies have their mani-pedis tomorrow followed immediately by a delivery of what I hope will be enough hay to carry them both until spring grass starts appearing. That is all best performed on clear ground. The spring grass usually slows down their consumption of hay. And gives them a bit of a sugar high. But until then, the mules need that secret ingredient to churn out their high quality mule muffins. By the way, anyone who would like to gather some of the premium mule muffins from back at Hadrian’s wall, is welcome to stop by and shovel up a load. Of course, once Claire lands that film deal, we’ll probably be selling them in single denominations on Ebay.

Despite being a micro-moon, https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-february, it was still pretty bright and lovely to gaze at while I did a bit of contemplative grounding. Manifesting that film deal.

You can see from the imprint just before my right foot that Claire has some substantial sized hooves. This juxtaposition can help you appreciate the terminal damage that her character does with them when challenged during The Claire Saga.

Speaking of TCS, the frozen, cratered ground outside reminded me of the Catalytic chapter that takes place on the Moon in Where The Ley Lines Meet. I put two of my Riverdale friends, Mike McBride and Mike Kojak, into that chapter. Excuse the pun, but it is quite bad assed.

Now how would I know what the surface of the moon felt like in bare feet?

That would be telling. Write what you know.

I was surprised when I came inside to blog to learn that it was actually freezing out there. Didn’t feel like it.

This morning’s moon heralded the arrival of my first house fly of the season at Casa Claire to keep me company while I blog away.

I think I’ll call him Felix – side note, Don Oriola, one of the firm’s clients, a talented guy who is a dear friend of Robert Meloni (yes the mafia lawyer in TWA), is the son of the co-creator of Felix the Cat. Don continues to draw the famous feline. No offense, Don.


I know, I am harboring a natural pest here in NoCo, but as Lisa knows I cannot kill a living creature who cannot first give me shit in English, or in some other language that my google translator can interpret as shit. Psychic communications don’t count as shit talking.

Indeed, the house flies treat my office as a sanctuary, like Notre Dame de Paris,


No one does Ginger like Maureen O’Hara. Except maybe Bryce Dallas Howard. And I did actually tour ND, before the fire. Snapped some great shots of the rooftop gargoyles (which I must try to find).

Anyway, my office is the one place I will not allow Lisa to kill them. The flies cut down on my coffee consumption, because if I catch them sipping from my cup, I have to toss it. If I don’t catch them, no harm no foul, and my immune system gets a boost.

However, I do kill horse flies that hassle the mules during the summer fly season. Without a flare of conscience or remorse. No one fucks with Claire.

Well, tonight’s full moon is all the more magical as it begins, with the weekend, on a Friday. Need I say more.

You fine, five readers have your fly free cuppas and head off to the office. Hopefully you have already wrapped up any projects that need doing so just look really busy at your desk until the boss takes off. Give it ten minutes just to make sure the coast is clear and then say to no one in particular as you head out the door that you are stepping out for a moment to buy a Lotto ticket.

Then buy it. With any luck, and given the full moon Friday, it can happen, Hasta la vista baby!

But until I check my numbers, I better get moving. Kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

Before I sign off let me ask for some positive thoughts and prayers for my great nephew (not sure why he would not be considered a grand nephew), Grayson Sacca, who needs a little more surgical tweaking. He’s a tough kid and absolutely adorable. That’s him and his daddy, my nephew Tyler.

Sorry Tyler, but he looks like his gorgeous mom, Elizabeth.

I have my intention candle burning for Grayson.

Every time someone reads that candle, that positive thought goes out to the Universe.

And for those of us that lean towards a more traditional path, let me leave you with a cool concept to help you get behind the requested task, as I believe it is the essence of the Good Book:

John 15:12: β€œThis is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

If we can get that one “suggestion” (I have issues with authority since the fall) down pat, everything else will fall into place. Really. It’s all about love.

With that in mind, let us all get out there and make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. πŸ™βœοΈπŸ“ΏβœοΈπŸ™ for the Wee G-Man… and his retro-pagan great-uncle Thomas…

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