Friends & Family – Congrats Colin Broderick

Really weary of the negative vibes from these wildfires so let’s accentuate the positive.

Last night, my dear friend and literary mentor, Colin Broderick, held a reading and signing for his latest novel, Once Upon A Time In Hell’s Kitchen,

in the fabled Celtic literary Mecca, An Beal Bocht Cafe in the Bronx –

I’ve known Colin since the early 90s (you can find mention of our friendship in many past blogs) and he was instrumental in the success of The Claire Saga when he volunteered to provide me with the iconic “Grisham on mushrooms” cover blurb for The Wise Ass.

I’ve always been terribly jealous of Colin’s talent and his brogue. I’ve posted a short video taken from his reading last night, so you can get a taste of both.

And while I could not be there in the flesh to support Colin, my youngest son, Mark (NYPD), and my nephew Evan (eldest son of The Ginger) represented the family.

Colin then signed books until his hand fell off.

Having watched, read and cheer-leaded Colin through the writing process on this last book all last summer, I know just how special a literary masterpiece it is. So, even if you only identify as Irish on St. Patty’s Day, when everyone on this earth gets that glorious dispensation, you are going to want to grab a copy of OUATIHK and sit down in the most comfy chair you can find and get lost in this fictionalized version of that Wild West Side of Manhattan neighborhood from the 70s, in a way your have not enjoyed since you read Mario Puzo’s The Godfather.

Congrats Colin – my brother – Mark and Evan had a wonderful time last night. You rock!

Now, continuing the positive vibes, I was thrilled to learn from Lenay McQueen that one of her daughters immediately picked up TWA when I dropped a complete inscribed set of The Claire Saga yesterday morning and locked in to the story.

Given that I am desperately trying to break into the teen demographic, it was wonderful to see how far this young lady had already gotten in the book. She will make a wonderful literary ambassador, spreading the good news of what I hope rivals the Harry Potter series of JKR. You see, once a reader meets Claire, the hook is in, and the reader is helpless and must finish the entire series. Claire is like literary crack. Be warned.

Speaking of Claire, Lenay sent me photos of my BFF and her BFF Honey at their summer camp a safe thirty miles away from the danger zone.

I drove over to see them late yesterday afternoon and brought along their large rubber bowls and a couple of large bags of frozen chopped apples, pears and carrots to let them know I care. Of course, in true C&H fashion, they completely ignored me as they happily played in a far corner of their temporary digs.

When I got back to Casa Claire there was a package on my front porch. It seems that an oversized ass scratcher I had ordered, when I went full throttle on the new barn, finally arrived.

Part of me wanted to wait and hold onto it, just in case fire takes the property. But the more defiant Mick in me decided to say Fuck You to the elements I cannot control and put it up immediately in the eerily empty barn and property. So I did.

Now it’s just a waiting game to find out from the County Authorities where we stand with the wildfires. The sooner I can bring them home the happier I will be.

But until then, we wait and pray. Cars packed, keys within reach.

I will go out and cuddle the kitties who have both stayed close to Casa Claire.

You fine, five readers get out there and welcome August with a burst of energy to finish your weekly work grind. Friday awaits. The summer weekends in August seem so much more precious now.

As a reminder, the Amazon Kindle version of The Wise Ass remains free to download for this final summer month, so if you haven’t yet pulled the trigger, now would be a great time to do it.

Especially since I will be back in Da Bronx doing my own reading of selections from the entire The Claire Saga at the An Beal Bocht Cafe – Colin you are such a tough act to follow – on Wednesday night, September 25th.

I will be following that two nights later – September 27th – when I will be repeating the event with my Prodigal Son return to Riverdale reading at Downey’s Bar & Grill –

So, you really want to finish all five books before then, or you will miss all of the inside jokes. So, go ahead, download that free Kindle Copy of The Wise Ass and dig in.

Well, time to get moving and see where the smoke takes us.

But no matter what else we do, let us make today a great one.

And everyone, I so appreciate your positive vibes and prayers. I am truly blessed by your kindness.

8 Responses

  1. We got up to the news we have a new grandson today! He doesn’t have a name yet as far as I know. Glad all is well at so far in your neck of the woods. Maybe that ass scratcher will keep that fire away from your place. Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush, paste and chargers

  2. Those mules are keeping you humble🙂
    Hope the water planes have arrived.
    Good people encourage others. 👍🏻👍🏻

    1. Lisa must be slacking off in the ego check department, thank God I have other females like Claire & Honey to keep me humble.

  3. Your pal’s novel is terrific. As you know, I was acquainted with more than a few of the Real Deals, and with the Kitchen.
    Your travail and travels re the mules remind me of that Spaghetti Western, “Two Mules For Sister Sara
    ” But you “ain’t no nun,” and there were no brushfires in that Mexican locale. Hang tough and be smart, Tom.

  4. I laugh at how the makes ignore you!!! Don’t forget your passport when you return to bronx as the prodigal’s a requirement!!

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