This morning’s first official day of May’s Flower Moon did not disappoint.

But it was the lead up to the event that made it all the more worthwhile.
Lisa went out and bought the three grans their own candles to light,

Which the girls placed outside before winding down for bed.

That basket in front of Scarlett – who took the whole event very seriously – contains dried flower petals, crystals and her magic bottle, which she put together over the past few days and that she wished upon but would not share her wishes, so as not to prevent their success.

Savanna added her own tiny dixie cup of flower petals but treated last night like another wonderful tea party for her stuffed animals, including her Unicorn. And Stella refused to pose on camera by the table because she was too busy acting like a dog – note the front left paw – harrowing her borrowed familiar, Blue, who refused to give up some of my more esoteric secrets, barking or not. All in good time, sweetie.

I captured her perfect visual dim mak, that would have made Damian shit himself.
I imagine the future suitors withering under said gaze.
Scarlett built up wind screens to keep the candles lit overnight, which worked.

And I had my own set of intention candles roaring on the altar.

I won’t share my manifestation wishes either, except for the one that had some of my family around me healthy and happy, and having fun joining in their grandfather’s extracurriculars.
And it is those three roots that really ground me.
Well, today – at 7:53 a.m. Mountain Time, the Full Moon shall hit its Apex – so it’s good that we got the manifestation ball rolling when we did.
Now, some of you fine, five readers may have been among the fine, five readers who read yesterday’s blog, and who would have seen the opening photo I posted of the almost full moon over the back yard of Casa Claire.

Now, after I posted that blog, I noticed a small gathering of ground level plasma or mist resting on the path just beyond the side gate.
When I expanded it I was sure I could make out the figure of the head of a long-haired, bearded man rising along the top of the mist, right by the wooden pillar,

but what was even more interesting, was that when I showed the photo to my son, Luke, his younger eyes went straight to the figure of a large wolf appearing right in the center of the mist.

Now how fun is that?! I walked right through that spot on my way back inside after feeding Claire and Honey.
And for the record, Blue was standing behind me by the barn when I snapped that photo.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Hamlet, Act 1, Sc. 5, 159-167.
So, never underestimate what you may come across during the witching hours at Casa Claire.
But now, in keeping with the Bard, as the Friar said,
“The gray-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night,
Checkering the eastern clouds with streaks of light.”
Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Sc 3, 1-4.
So, I better get a move on. I have recyclables to drag out to the road.
Then some legal issues to attend to.
But first, some kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.
You fine, five readers go out there and do whatever is necessary to wrap up your work week today, as Friday is calling for the start of the Memorial Day Weekend, with hooky, tomorrow.
Speaking of hooky, it seems the Rangers played it instead of Hockey, last night.
And whatever else we may get up to, let us make today a great one.
One Response
Seems like Warren Zevon might be haunting you this week… Aaaa.wooo!