Flags Of My Ancestors

Yesterday, an Irish-American Flag that I had ordered online finally arrived. I had been waiting for it for a few weeks and was hoping it would arrive before St. Patty’s Day. I was beginning to worry I had been scammed by the online Tinkers.

My standing Old Glory had been blown off its perch by the brutal NoCo winds which were so strong that it snapped the metal base that had been holding it in place at Casa Claire.

I had lost a few hard plastic bases to the zephyrs beforehand so I had upgraded to the more durable and expensive metal base. When that one snapped Lisa found an even more expensive metal base. But I held off putting the new and hopefully stronger base up until the latest flag arrived (that was my excuse – I was actually just being lazy), in case I chose to hang it from the flagpole.

Well the new flag was awesome but it was smaller than expected – now, now, I don’t want to hear any “Irish Curse” references, a vicious fabrication started in the last century by an angry lad of a different cultural persuasion that had lost his lady to the Blarney – and had no grommets to attach it to the pole. However, I found the ideal wooden rod in the garage – yes, today seems chock full of phallic references – that I could mount (ahem) to the fence which ended up working even better than the tilted flag pole given the Celtic Cross now hangs perfectly perpendicular (phallic?) joining the half flags of my two countries (I have dual Irish Citizenship through my pure Irish Grandparents and the Official Certificate to prove it).

So, given that yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day, and St. Patty’s Day was just a week off, Lisa – part Irish through her maternal side (along with Latina, with Polish and rumored adulterated French from her Dad) – thought it would be a good idea to hang the flags out front. So I did. Voila.

Never let it be said that the McCaffrey flag stands at anything less than full staff. Long may it wave (and yes, that is a double entendre).

Now here’s a little tidbit. If you look on the bottom of the back cover of the physical copies of FJM (and also on WTLLM) you will see a small Alpha & Omega design by my older brother, Eddie (who you know from FJM was artistically inclined), that incorporates the Irish and American flags to honor my proud blended – old world/new world – heritage. That’s one of the family trademarks I will continue to use going forward (I didn’t have the juice to request it until The Claire Trilogy was successful). Thank you Eddie. Maith an fear!

So, I am all set for honoring my Irish week that will culminate next Sunday with the greatest holiday in the history of the world. It is so magical it turns everyone Irish (and many people drunk) for a twenty-four hour period. I’ve heard some notable Celts, like the brilliant legal scholar Peter “Buck” Sheridan (whose amazing character is central to WTLLM), like to go to mass on that day as well.

Ormsa an lochtmise is ciontach. Guigh orm.

Well, enough Irish-American cheekiness. I have real chores to get to.

But the Creator has decreed that this is a day of rest, so the rest of you fine, five readers can feel quite comfortable putting your feet up and reading a book. Now would be an excellent time to reach for The Claire Saga. There’s a Celtic ambiance permeating its pages that dovetails nicely with the season.

But I have some kitties to cuddle and then my rounds, so I better get moving.

Oh, and my dear lifelong frenemy, BC (yes the basis for the Voldemort type character in KMAG and the guy who runs off with the stripper in FJM) has upgraded his milk truck to embrace the theme in WTLLM.

Well, that’s it for me.

Let us all remember that, no matter what else we get up to, let’s make today a great one.

4 Responses

  1. I can only imagine your LOL while your were typing today’s blog. Well thank you because I had quite a few myself.
    Personally I got an early start on the decorating last week. My daughter was up from Florida and some family came by to visit so it motivated to get it done.
    My apt door always draws comments. We are a muticulture building and i love hearing my neighbors comments about my door decorations for each holiday. I especially appreciate the comments for the St Patrick’s Day decorations because they are just a few of us in the building who “display the green proudly”
    It’s a beautiful day here in Yonkers. Even losing an hour sleep doesn’t dim this beautiful morning as I get ready for church. Hopefully I won’t find my mind wanting to today’s blog while at Mass 🤣
    Have a wonderful day! I love the flags. 🇺🇸. 🇮🇪.

    1. Tsk, tsk… “Patty’s Day” …. Really????
      C’mon, Tomás…. You have been away too long. Go raib maith agat for the rest of the blog today🙏🫶☘️💚🎶🇮🇪

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