Five Days Out – Eyes On The Prize – Sister-In-Laws

Spaghetti had a saying that he liked to bellow whenever any of his grandsons fucked something up.

“He couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the directions were written on its heel.”

Yesterday I publically castigated my older brother, Eddie, for his recalcitrance in turning over an eye’s photo. In typical Eddie fashion, he then delivered the opening photo. That’s Eddie’s polite way of telling me to “fuck off!”

Luckily, Eddie married well. Only thing that saved the poor bastard. Luckily, his lovely wife, my SIL, Mary (née Moran – the surname may be common, but its bearers are not), was kind enough to fill the breach.

Mary is the unnamed girlfriend of the Eddie character towards the end of Finding Jimmy Moran. Mary is a voracious reader and probably the first Clan member who steps up regularly to read my works. I was a little worried this last go around, because a lot of focus is on Eddie’s character, who pulled no punches. Luckily she laughed when she read it, so I knew it was safe to go.

Another Riverdale female that made the FJM cut was Karen Anderson. I’ve known Karen forever. She’s a sister of the McCaffrey family Merlin, Ferd Beck, so she’s considered part of the Clan. Karen picked herself up one day in her twenties and followed her dream to move out west and work the cowgirl life. Ballsy move. This is what she looked like back in the day. She always reminded me of Pat Benatar.

My crew stayed away from Karen because her older brother George would have killed us. Seriously. One scary bastard.

Karen is one of the Bronx ex-pats I’ve reconnected with since I moved to Colorado. Karen is charmingly eccentric and mystical, so I wanted to work her character into the Claire Chronicles (which is The Claire Trilogy, its prequel, the codicil, Finding Jimmy Moran, and the yet unwritten sequel, Where The Ley Lines Meet.)

Karen’s character arrives in one of the early chapters, involving pony rides and Van Cortlandt Park. And a kiss. Thanks Karen. Hi to Moshe.

Now there are some family members, other than Mary, who also shared their “eyes” photos.

The first is Lisa’s youngest sister Dina (bell) Eck (née Wallen), who is a member of the Wallen Witch Coven and also part Fairy. Dina is an energy manipulator who has saved my body using Cranial Sacral Therapy – – and Reiki – Once upon a time, my right hip was a goner.

I love this three pair of eyes photo. Dina has read all of my work, and always shares her valuable thoughts on the mystical/magical aspects of the storylines. Thank you Dina.

The other sister-in-law to send in her photo is Amy Buccola. When I needed a good Italian last name for Gina towards the end of FJM, I wanted to keep it in the family, so I asked Amy’s husband if I could use his family name. He agreed. Thank you Lori.

When I asked for a Buccola eyes photo, Amy stepped up.

Thank you Weezy. Thank you Lori Buccola. Much appreciated.

So this last five days is a big push. The Claire Trilogy individual books are holding solidly in the top 10, which is good, because I’m hoping its a lot of the last minute readers getting caught up in the story so they are all ready for Finding Jimmy Moran to drop.

And the Box Set is doing nicely at #43, which shows there may be some binge reading going on these final 5 days.

I really suggest the reader embraces TCT before taking on FJM. So many character nuances would be missed otherwise.

FJM is still hanging in the top 100 at 78, so I’m hoping its position will inch closer to the top each day.

I appreciate all of the support I’ve received from my fine, five readers up until now. It’s literally been a dream come true. And I’m hoping my email becomes flooded with “eyes” photos as more and more readers embrace that storyline. Its an easy way of sharing that you have read and enjoyed the book.

Well, it’s Saturday, and my chores await.

But first a kitty cuddle, my rounds, and the dreadmill.

You fine, five go take care of the weekend things to do list.

But as you mix and mingle amongst your family and friends, feel free to mention Claire and her books.

But most of all, have a wonderful day.

And thanks for your support.

4 Responses

  1. Tom,
    All your sisters-in-law and all the women in Joe’s family have definitely improved the viewing of your eyes collection here in your blog. And nice job finally capturing Lenny’s and Eddie’s eyes (although only on Eddie’s terms, the only terms you’ll ever get from Ed, haha!).

    But what about your other SIL, your top Halloween adversary and partner — Tara?

  2. Kudos to all your new friends among your book followership and the Twitterverse as well. If eyes are truly the window to the soul, then you have some great friends and soulmates among them.

  3. I was sure Ed sent an “eyes” picture the day he sent the Hitchens photo, but he said no. He said get me the book, I’ll do it now. Great. Got my phone, told him to take off his glasses, which he promptly did, but he then proceeded to cover his eyes. He said you would get it! I knew you would use it today 🙂 All will be well Tommy. Your mom will make sure April 13th is one of the best days of your life!

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