Feeling The Magic Of The Winter Moon

These early hours, when most of the rest of the world that impacts me is asleep, is when I feel the magik strongest on Casa Claire. It is the time when I feel most creative. It is the time when I have written all five novels and the countless blogs since 2021.

This feeling is particularly strong when the moon is closely approaching its zenith. There is a cold glow around the property when I go out to feed Claire and Honey.

While tonight sits literally at the freezing benchmark, I don’t even put on a hat and sweatshirt when I go outside And, of course, I’m sockless, as well as clueless. But it does making grounding a lot easier.

The moon itself, which does not enter its three day fullness until tomorrow, is still hypnotic.

I understand the Canis lunar urge to howl, and would do so, if I was not worried about abruptly waking what would be an irritable Lisa, given her now bionic sharp eyesight, close proximity to weaponry and windows, and the completely viable excuse that, given my imperfect pitch, she mistook me for a rabid, rampaging bear in the moonlit shadows of our backyard. After all, The Claire Saga is now complete(?), and our insurance is up to date. That end story alone just before the release of Where The Ley Lines Meet, in such close proximity to where the ley lines meet, would send the entire series book sales through the roof. Especially during a full moon. A win-win.

It would provide a colorful interpretation of an artist suffering for his art.

But instead, I returned indoors to my sanctuary and channeled my lunacy into the words before you.

If I didn’t invoke an understandably disturbed head shake on my fine, five readers parts, I hope I at least drew a smile. Because that would truly be magical.

Well, it’s Thursday, the handmaid to Friday.

Let us see if we can wrap up all of the important details of our respective work weeks.

After all, the three day full moon on a weekend awaits!

Imagine the fun that will bring.

But first, I have a couple of kitties that need cuddling in the moonlight.

And rounds to make. Maybe I’ll whisper a howl while I’m at it.

No matter what else we get up to during what some middle eastern societies call The White Days – the three day period when the full moon is celebrated – let us make today a great one.

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