Entering May’s Flower Moon Cycle

Tonight we enter the three night full moon cycle in May. It is known as the Flower Moon, and gets that name from the Algonquin Native American people, from their observation that flowers are blooming across their land.


While the actual apex occurs on Thursday morning at 9:53 a.m. ET, as the opening photo demonstrates, it already appears full over Casa Claire and will continue to appear that way through Friday night.


Full Moons are a time for seeing things clearly and making necessary changes.

It is a great time to manifest your dreams.


This Flower Moon is considered astrologically to rise in Sagittarius, which is a fire sign, thus, incorporating fire into any full moon practice – let’s say candle and/or incense magik – can be appropriate.

It’s a good time to recharge any crystals and/or water with lunar energy for that matter. Just pick a location that gets the most unimpeded exposure to the moon over the next three nights, leave the crystals and/or an open glass jar containing water, set your intentions, and let Luna work her magik.

Also a good time for some grounding work, if you get the chance. Bare feet and a little plot of earth is all it takes.

Lisa is always complaining about how dirty the bottom of my feet always appear. Have to take the bitter with the sweet.

I’m a huge fan of full moons. Spend a lot of time under them. Claire loves her Full Moon breakfast service. Honey as well.

According to GMA’s Shafiq Najib, citing celebrity astrologer, Kyle Thomas, the Flower Moon has its individualized impact on the different zodiac signs. So, for example, Scorpios, like myself, should focus on finances, and, according to Thomas (via Najib), “[a] raise, new job offer, or side hustle could also present itself.”


Hope that side hustle includes a Hollywood Shuffle for The Claire Saga.

Speaking of Shuffling Scorpions, you stargazers take note – according to Space.com, “the Full Flower Moon of May 2024 will see the moon pass in front of the red star Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius, the Scorpion.”


What Scorpio can resists a passing full moon?!

Full Moons are a time for personal restoration, so, if you can, try a little meditation where you seek clarity and release anything that isn’t working for you. You can jot some of your thoughts – both manifestation or release – on a piece of paper and then share it with the universe through burning (in a safe place).

But even if you are not into the mystical sides of the full lunar cycle, the next few nights present a perfect time to gaze upon a beautiful night sky, hopefully in the presence of a loved one.

But now dawn approaches, and it is the lark, not the nightingale I hear through my window. Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Sc. 5.

Time to get a move on.

So you fine, five readers finish that cuppa jo, put on your skates and attack the Hump Day hill, and wave extra hard at this Memorial Weekend Friday from its peak.

You should have already started those weekend plans.

Try to work some reading into the mix.

But before any of that, I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

And, before that next moon rises, let us all make today a great one.

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