Downey’s Bar & Grill – The Prodigal Son Returns

“We all know this, right?! We all fucking know this! The reason we’re all here is not because Tom McCaffrey wrote these stupid books, or whatever. It’s because someone said ‘Hey, everyone’s getting back together, let’s all show up.’ Right?!. And that’s what these books are all about.”

And with those words I began at my one and only live Riverdale reading at Downey’s Bar & Grill of selections from The Claire Saga, Friday, September 27, 2024.

The day started out magically enough. Tina Piras, my number 1 fan since the early 90s,

and an old and dear friend (her husband Franco – who after 50 plus years in this country still sounds like Topo Gigio – – appears as a minor mafioso in AAA) contacted me to tell me that she had discovered that her recently deceased brother Pat Francis

had kept copies of the live performance he directed of my one legit theatre play, Revelations (A Trans Love Story – way before it’s time at Lehman circa 1980), from its debut performance at Manhattan’s The Village Gate.

And Pat’s husband, Michael, had come across those tapes when he was cleaning out Pat’s personal items. I was thrilled by the discovery of what I considered a long lost performance of my only live play, but was also touched that Pat kept a copy for over 30 years. I was thrilled that Tina made the effort to recover this performance for me.

But since Tina could not make it to the Downey’s reading, we instead met and caught up outside the McCaffrey Compound before hand after Tina got off from work.

Thank you Tina, I am forever in your debt. I am waiting for receipt of the conversion package and will send you a thumbnail drive of the play once I have it professionally digitized. I’ll also see if its possible to upload it to this website. Fingers crossed.

Now after my reading in the South Riverdale location of An Beal Bocht Cafe two nights before,

I wasn’t sure what to expect. After all, my only advertisement was a flyer Brian Downey had strategically placed in his establishment. God bless America.

Now Brian had generously offered me the catering hall section of his very busy bar and restaurant. Gratis.

Brian, I am forever in your debt.

Brian, who is also a proud and brave member of the FDNY, had to work at his other job the night in question, but left word with his staff to give me free rein of that back room. Brian, thank you for your service.

Of course, once I went back there I almost shit myself. It was huge, and I was terrified that no one would show up.

I was wrong.

Most of the people who appear as characters in Finding Jimmy Moran, showed up that night.

I want to identify them by name, but I think I’ll just let you, my fine, five readers, guess who is who, and if you go back and check the ABB blog, you’ll see some repeat customers. Even the Muse was there.

I’ll make an exception with the above photo – Lenny, me and Joe Serrano – one time inhabitants of Aunt Violet’s Flop House –

Now back to the other photos.

Now, outside of Italian weddings, I’ve haven’t seen that much hugging and kissing between men and men and men and women, but given these folks haven’t seen one another in over 40, and with some, over 50 years, it was all very natural.

When I witnessed how much fun everyone was having just catching up with one another, I almost called off the reading part of the event.

But then someone remembered why they came to the party and demanded I do my part and perform. Dog and Pony Show.

BC warmed up the crowd for me,

by recounting for the crowd about how he had made money at the reading two nights before in ABB, by not charging a fee to get in, but instead charging a fee to leave. Five bucks. Before closing his introduction with, “Tonight, we’re going to start at 10; if you want to leave it’s going to cost you ten bucks. [tapping on the podium like a auctioneer] The good news is I made seventy bucks that night.”

I believe there is a clip of his speech posted by Stein (Mike Augustyni) somewhere on Face Book. Theresa Daly and Richie Gray have posted tons of photos as well.

So, then I went to work, in the same manner I used to read books to my children when they were young. I included lots of interjection and backstory intermixed with the actual selections to engage what was an already drunk and hot crowd and get everyone boisterous and laughing, because they all knew just how true many of the stories in The Claire Saga really are. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

For the record, and for legal purposes, the stories are 100% Complete and Total Fiction!!!!!

But, because of the Bronx rule that only three McCaffrey brothers (Ginger was missing, but his wife, Denise, was there) could appear in this establishment,

There were no brawls or trips to the Emergency Room.

There wasn’t even a chair thrown. But the shit flew freely.

And, because Eileen didn’t pass out this time, I got to read selections from all five books.

Oh, thank you Eileen for reminding me, I was blessed to feature an added bump in the culture level of the night by having my dear friend and Bronx-Irish Poet, Theresa Daly (below on the left and later center photo) read from her latest wonderful book of poetry, Wild Atlantic Soul.

It was a great transition between my Celtic roots at ABB and my BIC emeritus status at Downey’s by having a true blood there to bless the evening with an eloquent example what makes the Irish poets by nature.

A great time was had by all and, just before midnight, the crowd dispersed in smaller groups into this Bronx September night, some to continue partying, some to finally get to sleep, but hopefully all with Bronx nights past dancing in their memories.

I thank you all for coming to see me read, if only as an afterthought, because seeing you all there together in a room after all this time, made the night a Hallmark moment for me.

But now the magic veil has lifted and we all need to get back to our lives.

I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make. Then work.

You fine, five readers have that second cuppa, Monday is behind us and Tuesday happily awaits.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

8 Responses

  1. Just reading this blog brings a huge smile to my face. It was a wonderful night and fantastic to see so many old friends.
    BC certainly knows how to warm up the crowd. He’s a great opening act.
    It was a pleasure to hear Teresa Daly do a reading from her book as well.
    I know that you didn’t expect that crowd and I wish you had had a microphone but it’s was a fabulous night. I love your selections you choose for the readings and i’m now looking forward to reading the entire Claire Saga again.
    I can’t wait for when you will be on the talk shows route promoting the movie. Come On Hollywood!!

  2. Eileen, Zlet’s all hope that Bill Maher, Kimmel et al
    Try not to get “too cute by half.” And that he remains “wise Celt” enough to avoid “The View”🤮🙄😉💀

  3. Eileen, Listen to all 5 books together. I enjoyed reading all the books but listening to them in order was fantastic. Enjoy!

  4. What a fantastic evening! So glad to see Tommy back in town to add continued enthusiasm to the Claire Saga.
    Also enjoyed the reunion of the Riverdale crew and to relive some quite memorable times. I also repeat that anything that was overheard is complete hyperbole.

  5. Just to clarify the purpose of the departure fee at Tom’s readings, when people started filing out of the bar before he was even halfway through on the first reading night, I felt I had to think of something to encourage them to stay and enjoy his work. (Something short of having his brothers hold them all hostage. That seemed like it would have been “bad optics”.) I thought the $5 charge would suffice. But when that didn’t work, I bumped it up to $10 and that seemed to do the trick. So it only made sense to start the departure fee at $10 for the 2nd reading night.

    1. Based on the results from the 2nd night (I didn’t make a dime), I have to conclude that either you grew up with and are loved by practically everyone who was in the room (well, except your brothers, but what did you expect after killing them all off in the first chapter of your first book) …. or else I had the right price point on the early departure fee that night.

  6. Truly an amazing gathering. Seeing all the folks who have left Riverdale together again.
    Made me recall the old days on the rocks, some Viggs nights and a few other memory reels whirring through the mind.

    Great to reconnect . Thanks for giving me a chance to read and for calling it a culture bump. Loved your reading and how you explained the connection between each segment.

    Well done Tommy!

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