Creatures Define Our Humanity

I love that my crows are so patriotic.

Indeed, I find animals are naturally better citizens of this earth.

I have been blessed by a lifetime of being surrounded by non-human creatures who have shown me how to draw the simple pleasures from life.

The warmth of the sun on your face.

A little shade when you need it.

which can double as an ass scratcher,

Some food in your belly, either prepared by a top of the line sous chef whose other jobs are being a lawyer and writer, like some carrot medallions for Big Bunny,

or some mixed fruit and veggies for Claire and Honey,

or just some wet and dry cat food, served daily in the Jack The Spruce Grotto to sustain the feral cats that have adopted Casa Claire (a must for any writer, although I am waiting patiently for my first polydactyl –,

and the neighbor’s comedic dog who comes by multiple times a day to clean up kitty leftovers (and will actually steal the bowls),

Of course the Casa Claire menu is properly supplemented by Mother Nature’s bounty,

which is why I let the grass and trees grow wild on Casa Claire, which drives Lisa crazy.

Then there is life sustaining water.

And of course, a roof over one’s head, like the warren under my workshop for Little Bunny,

to protect those from any danger if needs arise.

The creatures of Casa Claire teach me that if you can provide those basics, the creatures will coexist in harmony.

And throughout the day, not one of these creatures complains about the service, or the food, or cares about my political persuasion.

While I know Casa Claire is a much more easily managed microcosm than the entire world, I, as the individual, will do what I can, on this limited level, as long as I can do it.

Because it makes the creatures of Casa Claire happy. And that makes me happy.

Well, now that the morning food service is over, I have other things to do.

I have already cuddled the kitties and made my rounds (a delay in my early morning schedule caused by Lisa’s late night arrival at DIA from her week visiting with the Wallen Witches).

Hopefully, you fine, five readers have already put your skates on and attacked the hump. Wave at Friday from the peak, just to remind yourself why we toil during the weekdays.

If you get a chance, try to do something small and manageable for one of the other creatures on the planet. You’ll be amazed just how human it will make you feel.

And no matter what else we get up to this fine Wednesday, let us may it a great one.

2 Responses

  1. Tom- We have a “tradition” in our house that when a sequel comes out, we tend to watch all of the first however many others (mostly movies) have come before it, so we know that we are up to date. I ordered WTLLM several weeks ago, and as usual, had to read the other 4 first. It helps to keep the characters in my mind. Anyway, I got to the latest one only 2 days ago, and I couldn’t put it down. Basically read it in 2 sessions. I normally read 75-80 pages a day, so normally this would’ve been a 4 day affair. They keep getting better and better!! Hope to see the movie version soon!!!

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