Congrats Scarlett

That’s my granddaughter, Scarlett Rose. She lives in Oz. Yesterday she was awarded the Player of the Match trophy at the end of her soccer match. I am very proud of her.

Scarlett is the eldest daughter of my eldest boy, Luke, the writer –

(Luke is a far better writer than I am. That’s how it should be)

and my sweet and gorgeous Aussie model DIL, Georgie –

who is an absolute doll.

With charm, intelligence and personality all locked down, we are breeding for beauty and height this next generation.

My next youngest granddaughter, Savanna, far right above, who is channeling Steve Buschemi, may have gotten a little too many McCaffrey genes. Her youngest sister, Stella, definitely did –

So, I’m thrilled to know that, despite how nice Scarlett is, that she was competitive enough to land the silverware.

We McCaffreys are a competitive bunch.

All three granddaughters were the models for their characters in The Claire Trilogy.

Which may explain why they moved to the other end of the earth.

But, with that latest proud grandpa moment behind me, the day awaits.

Indoor prep and outdoor chores need doing.

But first a kitty cuddle, my rounds and the dreadmill.

You fine, five readers, don’t waste your whole day doing errands. Try to enjoy the day.

You’ve earned it.

But most of all, make today a great one.

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