First Night of the 3 day Full Moon cycle – the last of 2024. The Cold Moon.

I made sure I got my Moon Water topped off.

And of course I got in some Cold Moon grounding while I was out and about seeing to Claire and Honey this morning.

“As the moon waxes (increases toward full light), our energy builds and we collect information. The waxing moon means a forward-moving energy and momentum that’s great for building things, working toward a goal, or bringing the first phases of a project to fruition.”
And as you fine, five readers know, when it comes to The Claire Saga, I never stop working towards the altruistic goal of bringing Claire’s epic story to the big screen. Given the NJ drones, a topical story indeed.
Of course, I then had to come inside to cuddle Smokey while I contemplated this morning’s blog.

For some strange reason the blog designers would not let me upload the photo until I had AI convert it to a Mad Max cartoon.
But I was tired this morning. Yesterday was a full on Green Acres Day at Casa Claire.
It began when my good friend, Tom Connelly, stopped by with an end of the year delivery of hay.

And while I understand that it is the kind of work that kept Spaghetti fit and vigorous until his 80s, it doesn’t make it any more fun.
And it was just part of the Saturday chores here at CC.
I had to empty, clean and refill the back trough,

then the same for the indoor trough,

then refill and oil the pellet feed for Claire and Honey and chop carrots for the local creatures on my daily rounds,

and refill the outdoor hay rack,

And of course, in a healthy ecosystem, whatever goes in must come out, so there were multiple wheelbarrows of mule muffins scooped up and delivered to Hadrian’s Wall.

And while Sunday is a day of rest (and football) for most of the Western hemisphere, including you fine, five readers, here on Casa Claire, it just means another day of chores. So, I better get at it.
Oh, and it turned out last week’s Farrier visit is actually this week, so that Ringolevio game adds to the list of things I must accomplish this morning.
Wish me luck.
First I need to feed Mittens.

(AI has taken over for sure). Then my rounds.
But, no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.