Cold As A Witch’s . . . .

Strange how your body acclimates to your environment.

Still not wearing socks just yet,

but I’ve added some finger compression gloves because the hands do feel it once you get into the teens.

But according to Alexa, the fun is only starting. That wind I’m constantly prattling on about, is going to place its thumb on the scale.

And the details are not comforting.

The good news is that I did get the new overhead heater up in the barn yesterday, which now has two throwing plenty of heat.

and when I reached under Claire’s coat this morning, her body was nice and warm. I can only assume that the identical coat on Honey provides the same result. And she did look comfortable enough when she came out of the barn to have breakfast at 2:30 am.

But I’m actually amazed that they will still walk the perimeter at night, instead of just huddling up in the barn.

I know Mittens (Mike) the feral cat has been living in the heated bunker under Jack The Spruce, and Smokey lives in a barn across the road, so all I need to make sure is that a decent supply of food remains available on the front porch and to constantly replace the ice cube that keeps appearing in the water dishes with hot water from the sink.

Blue enjoys this kind of weather because she gets to eat the frozen cat food I scrape out of the dishes.

Like furnaces during cold spells, outside and feral animals burn a lot of fuel to keep warm.

So I will make sure they have it.

I’ll also make sure to leave the cold water trickling in the house to keep our pipes from bursting, the ones closest to the exterior walls are at the greatest risk, and given that the house runs on city fed gas boiler, not propane, or oil, I should have plenty of heat, but I’ll still be wearing my hoodie around the house.

And as I write this I count my blessings that I have a warm home to withdraw to, and all of the other necessities of life to get Lisa and me through the cold spell.

I say a prayer for all of those who are not as lucky.

Maybe I’ll put on socks.

Well, my fine, five readers, the good news is that it is Friday.

Bundle up and head out to the world of industry, and earn your keep.

I have some legal work to entertain, but first I’ll be cuddling the kitties and doing my rounds.

And let’s all stay warm, and healthy, and let’s not forget to make today a great one.

5 Responses

  1. You’re either crazy or you must have a good ticker that keeps your circulation pumping to your hands and feet! Gloves (with fingers) and SOCKS!!!😮🥶🖐️🦶👣
    Thanks for keeping the animals comfy!

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