Clair De Lune (“Moonlight” un français)

Last night I was suffering a lapse into Lunacy.

I had fallen asleep about 8ish, but when Lisa came to bed a few hours later, she woke me getting into bed (always been a light sleeper), and I found myself wide awake. I tried staring out the bedroom window at the night sky, and spotted an interesting anomaly crossing the northern horizon. I made sure Lisa also saw it. No one believes me anymore unless she swears to it.

There was no sleep for me then, so I pulled on my clothes and went outside to the yard.

The sky was amazing. The property glowed. It was magical.

The Giant’s Causeway looked like a stairway to heaven.

I figured I would check on the mules and give them an extra meal.

They never turn down an extra meal, especially with full moon service. Claire provided the most amazing moonlit silhouette.

Obligations complete, at around midnight,

I listened to a pack of coyotes serenade the moon from the adjoining foothills (you can find the video – but only hear them – on my FB page –

they don’t chance a date with Claire on Casa Claire – and then I did some serious moonlight grounding work to lock in all that great energy.

Oddly enough, Smokey the feral cat wandered around back to keep me company. She never comes to me back there, only in the Jack the Spruce Grotto.

When I shot a video of me cuddling her, I might have captured more than I expected.

(the actual video is found on my FB page –

Well you can’t blame a familiar for its past. And I love it when the veils drop.

“Eyes without a face

Got no human grace”

And the moon was simply stellar.

So, if I need to sacrifice a few hours of sleep to lunar restlessness, last night was worth it.

I feel amazing. And completely avoided moonburn by keeping my hat on.

Well, the fun is over as the sun calls from the east.

You fine, five readers get that cuppa jo down the gullet and head out to your Tuesday. Stay focused and thank God Monday is behind us all.

Me, I’m one day closer to Writer’s Week, so I hope my moon bathing sparks new and interesting energy I can deliver to the audiences.

Tonight’s the apex, with a partial lunar eclipse, so I’ll be out again soaking it all in.

So, let me leave you with this.

Before that I have some lawyering to do.

But first, more kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

2 Responses

  1. great reading today Tommy, Casa Calire looks amazing in the moon light and the coyotes were serenading you while you made your rounds.

  2. I think the picture of you with the moon in the background should be your next book cover! Maybe you should’ve had a little jar of “Moonshine” in the moonshine!

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