
I never actually owned anything substantial before I came out to Colorado.

I rented apartments or houses, and my cars were always leased. A disposable life.

I know, it’s a shitty way to build equity – so I didn’t – but, psychologically, it always gave me the ability to walk away from things. I never did walk away but it felt more comfortable knowing I could.

And while a life long sufferer of chronic Peter Pan Syndrome, I did all the things you would expect of a fully functioning adult. I became educated, worked at a profession, got married, raised and educated kids, but I never felt fully committed to anything outside of the family itself.

My legal profession was just a set of skills that I took with me from one law firm to the next. A hired gun.

My family, flesh and fur, were considered energetic appendages, that in my mind’s eye would just travel with me if I did hit the road. I would never leave either group behind me.

My kids are now all grown and their castles – which they own – are spread around the country and the world.

Just me and Lisa, and Blue, my Bronx Pittie.

So that freedom made my getaway strategy simpler.

Strange then that I then made a choice to actually drop anchor. Here in NoCo.

Casa Claire was the first time I ever legally committed to actually putting down roots.

Buying property for the first time in my sixties – in the middle of nowhere – scared the shit out of me. My mortgage will see my ninetieth birthday (I hope I do), with the caveat that the first movie money I ever see will go to wipe the remainder out, hopefully before my nineties. So, come on Hollywood.

Technically, I don’t really own anything. I just live here. And like before, I take care of things.

Adopting animals that were too big to toss in the back seat of my SUV was even more frightening. Talk about commitment.

I didn’t know what a horse trailer was back then and still don’t own one. So, we’re not going anywhere.

The strange thing is that I really don’t feel any different from when I was back in New York. I mean, for tax purposes, technically Lisa and I own Casa Claire but the bank still holds the keys. And I certainly don’t own Claire and Honey, they are sentient creatures that I love as family.

Then there are the feral creatures that inhabit Casa Claire, like the crows,

and the cats

They are welcome to come and go as they please. I will feed them if they are hungry. Offer them shelter if they need it. A cuddle upon command.

I will continue to take care of things.

But now that I have given birth to The Claire Saga on this hallowed property, I know I am committed. All in. Peter has finally found his Neverland.

Speaking of taking care of things, it’s the dreaded Monday.

So, I better get on it.

But first some kitty cuddling and my rounds. More caretaking.

You fine, five readers shake out the cobwebs and have that last cuppa caffeine.

Then get out there and take care of things.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

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