Bunk Beds

Yesterday, all I wanted to do was watch the Quarter Finals of the Euro Cup. I haven’t watched a football match (as opposed to a football game) since I left New York, where I could often catch the Premier League matches. So, yesterday I figured I could get whatever chores I needed to get done by 10 am Colorado time and sit and watch the match.

Lisa had other plans.

She had seen a nice set of bunk beds at Habitat for Humanity and decided she wanted to replace the beautiful old single brass bed in the smaller first floor bedroom with a twofer that could sleep two and relieve the crowding in the master bedroom that had foldable trundle beds to sleep the grans and house all five of the Ozmandians. It seems that none of the kids wanted to sleep in the single bed alone – maybe because I mentioned the ghosts – so Luke would sneak off to that room after they all were asleep leaving Georgie sharing the room with the girls.

Now we like to buy our furniture used because the older pieces that have been around are a lot more robust than the pressed wood nonsense that you can buy today. Plus older pieces carry mojo from the prior owners.

Plus, we like to support HFH.

Now, of course HFH in Longmont doesn’t open until 10 am. So all I could hope for is to catch the end of the match.

And of course, the beautiful bunk bed set Lisa believed she saw was no longer there and I immediately thought – problem solved, let’s go home and watch the match.

But no . . . .

Georgie has seen a nice set listed on Walmart’s website, and since Walmart was on our way back we should stop there and see if they had it.

Of course they did. That box was heavy as fuck.

I got home to learn that the Netherlands had defeated Turkey, 2 to 1. I’m sure it was an exciting match.

But there was still the second match – England vs. Switzerland. And since Georgie was born in England before moving to Australia, and those genes now flow through the grans, we had some skin in the game.

But no . . . . priorities . . . . Lisa’s priorities . . . .

Luckily I was there just to hold things in place while Luke read directions (I refuse) and then anchored it all together piece by piece in a logical and orderly fashion.

We finished in time to see England win during the tie breaking penalty shootout. Exciting enough, I guess.

We can place one of the trundle beds in that room as well, assuming Stella decides to throw in with her sisters in the haunted bedroom.

Anyway, I have told anyone who would listen – the mules, cats and Blue – that I am watching the semi-finals – Spain v. France (7/9) & England v. Netherlands (7/10) without distraction or interruption.

Now I just need to teleport into whatever dimension exists where that Tom has that kind of authority and a wife who listens to him.

Sounds like I’m shooting for the closest black hole. Death or Nirvana.

Well, today is catch up on some chores day, but hopefully I can put up my feet by this afternoon. Stay tuned.

I really hope you fine, five readers have gotten some me-time for yourselves this weekend. Read a book or two. Take Monday off to recover. The next tangible holiday is Summer’s end. Labor Day.

But we must not wish away the Summer. Stay focused on the here and now.

Sunshine, outdoors, warm weather. Books.

I’m going to head out and cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. Losing the Water Balloon War at The Claire Corrall was the first domino to fall in your plunge to the bottom of the domestic pecking order….🙄

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