My Blog
Blogging is like going to the writer’s gym. I get to tell silly stories about whatever comes into my head at 2 am, with the hope that by repeatedly stringing a bunch of sentences together in a half coherent way, it will provide me with the mental muscle memory needed to knock off another novel. So far, so good. Stay tuned and keep on coming back for a laugh or two. You might actually get to know me (now there’s a scary thought). I’m an open book.
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Just Realized The LA Bookfest Is Next Weekend – Thank God For Women.
You ever have this happen? You sign on for something that seems so far away, you lose that sense of time perspective. And then one
Thanks Riverdale – You Rock – Hey Stein
Everyone who has read the author’s version of Finding Jimmy Moran (and a few who have read the Kindle version in the past few days)
On Behalf Of Claire And Myself, Thank You.
I’ve said before that these moments on the Amazon charts are fleeting, so you have to celebrate your wins in real time. I’m doing that
Happy Birthday Reagan Rothe, Kylee Joy Clarke and, oh yeah, Finding Jimmy Moran!
Today is my publisher’s birthday. I cannot begin to guess how old he is, he looks like a kid. I mean that as a compliment.
1 Day Out – Finding Jimmy Moran – Home Is Where The Heart Is
The above is a painting of my childhood home in Riverdale Da Bronx. That is the family home on the right and my youngest brother’s
2 Days Out – FJM Moves In The Right Direction – Bill Nighy Rocks – KK – Shameless Marketing – Suggestions Anyone?
Okay, the planets are aligning and FJM has dropped back into the top 50, with 2 days to go before its release. The writer side