My Blog

Blogging is like going to the writer’s gym.  I get to tell silly stories about whatever comes into my head at 2 am, with the hope that by repeatedly stringing a bunch of sentences together in a half coherent way, it will provide me with the mental muscle memory needed to knock off another novel.  So far, so good.  Stay tuned and keep on coming back for a laugh or two.  You might actually get to know me (now there’s a scary thought).  I’m an open book. 

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Sub-Zero Weather Blows

So, yesterday never did break zero. I snapped this weather forecast just before wrapping the blog this morning. It was two degrees colder when I

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Cold As A Witch’s . . . .

Strange how your body acclimates to your environment. Still not wearing socks just yet, but I’ve added some finger compression gloves because the hands do

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Write What You Know

Now I’ve often mentioned how four decades as a NY commercial litigator has compelled me to be develop the ability to become an overnight superficial

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