My Blog
Blogging is like going to the writer’s gym. I get to tell silly stories about whatever comes into my head at 2 am, with the hope that by repeatedly stringing a bunch of sentences together in a half coherent way, it will provide me with the mental muscle memory needed to knock off another novel. So far, so good. Stay tuned and keep on coming back for a laugh or two. You might actually get to know me (now there’s a scary thought). I’m an open book.
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Warm Again
Yesterday got warm. Nice and sunny. Time to don shorts. Sandals are all season ware. The animals did their obligatory sunbathing, all that was missing
Howling Fox
Last night, I had the bedroom windows open. I also had the blackout shades lifted, because Lisa is away and only Blue and I were
Congratulations Colin Broderick
Yesterday, I learned that my dear literary brother and mentor, Colin Broderick, published his latest book (it seems he actually published it on Sunday, but
Planetary Parade
In a rare astrological event, six planets, along with the last waning lunar sliver before the new moon, were in close proximity in our Northern
Day Of Rest
Sunday is God’s day to rest. Obviously a perk just for the perfect creatures on this plane, or the Omnipotent, because while Casa Claire is
Forty Months In – The Wise Ass Ebook Is Free Through The End Of August
It still feels like a dream. The Wise Ass, my debut novel, was published on February 18, 2021. Seems like yesterday. When you are in