My Blog
Blogging is like going to the writer’s gym. I get to tell silly stories about whatever comes into my head at 2 am, with the hope that by repeatedly stringing a bunch of sentences together in a half coherent way, it will provide me with the mental muscle memory needed to knock off another novel. So far, so good. Stay tuned and keep on coming back for a laugh or two. You might actually get to know me (now there’s a scary thought). I’m an open book.
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Another Busy Day At Casa Claire – Hi Jane & Lloy[] & Robyn
That’s me and Lloy[] Collier, husband of Jane Collier who stopped by Casa Claire with Lloy and her good friend of Robyn (who has an
Renee Clarke Comes To Casa Claire
If you have read any of my books, you’ll know that I have this strange tendency of incorporating people I’ve known or met into the
Gentleness Of Creatures
I was driving back from a fruit and veggie run at Walmart when I passed a large field just off Country Road 4. I often
Roman(s) à clef (plural)
I’ve always loved that term. In french, it means “a novel with a key.” A roman à clef uses thinly cloaked names of characters and
Strawberry Moon
The last few days leading into this June Solar Solstice and Full Moon have been interesting. For example, when Lisa and I drove up to
Summer Solstice – Downey’s Bar & Grill
The Solstices, like the Equinoxes, carry their own bit of mysticism and fun. The Irish, as is their way, historically like to partake in the