My Blog
Blogging is like going to the writer’s gym. I get to tell silly stories about whatever comes into my head at 2 am, with the hope that by repeatedly stringing a bunch of sentences together in a half coherent way, it will provide me with the mental muscle memory needed to knock off another novel. So far, so good. Stay tuned and keep on coming back for a laugh or two. You might actually get to know me (now there’s a scary thought). I’m an open book.
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So It Begins
Thank God it’s Friday. Today I have to do a lot of things. I’ve already taken care of the most important task of the day.

Téigh le Dia Nelson DeMille Yesterday afternoon, I learned from my friend (and central character in WTLLM), Pete “Buck” Sheridan that my favorite living American Author, Nelson DeMille, had

What’s In A Name?
Juliet knew her shit. R&J, Act 2 Scene 2 Someone asked me why I named the magical mule in the book series Claire. The simple

Clair De Lune (“Moonlight” un français)
Last night I was suffering a lapse into Lunacy. I had fallen asleep about 8ish, but when Lisa came to bed a few hours later,

Celestial Harbingering
I do enjoy noting how Claire can multitask – eating and ass scratching. Brilliant. So, this week is the lead up to a brief but

Tom McCaffrey’s Day Off
Yesterday was an interesting day. Not particularly exciting, just interesting in an off-beat, cool way. I knew I was in for a treat when I