Blog Site Maintenance – Wandering Mind – And Don’t Forget Tonight’s Poetry Reading At Mon-Amour-Coffee-and-Wine Cafe

Every once in a while the websites you may work with close down for maintenance.

This morning it was the host of my blog site.

It really wasn’t too bad, just a solid hour, from 3 to 4, but it was just at the moment I was about to write my morning blog.

So I spent the time doing some mental maintenance. Here is some of those thoughts.

The bit of frustration I felt from loss of access made me think back to the days before computers and the internet.

Pen and Foolscap. Typewriters. Fuck that.

While I love revisiting the “good old days” for a number of reasons, I would never want to go back to them on a technological level.

I could, but I would not want to.

Today, if you know how to research, you have unlimited access to instant information. As a lawyer, that has made all of the difference in the world. Same is true as a writer. No going back to searching library stacks or card catalogues to begin your research. No missing books on the shelf. Open the screen and let your fingers do the walking. Always alternative sources for information.

If your mind can process the basic Boolean logic principles of true/false you can formulate search terms that will deliver you pretty much all of the information you can need and the ability – through duplication and cross checking – to determine its legitimacy. You learn to ask the right questions. If your mind is sharp, that can all happen in moments.

People love to knock the veracity of internet information, but if you go back to the good old days and pull out some of the textbooks that were taken as Gospel you realize that even the geniuses of the past got it wrong sometimes.

That doesn’t mean I don’t get things wrong now as well. But that fault will lie on my mental inability to properly vet and assess the tons of information I draw upon. Luckily I have developed a highly sensitive bullshit detector from decades of competing at a very high level in a very challenging profession in the toughest city in the world. I can sift through the detritus.

And while my mind is relatively average, I have had the pleasure during that time of cross-pollinating with some truly brilliant minds. Come away with some contact intelligence.

I cannot have a phone call with Peter Sheridan without my IQ rising 10 points.

So, don’t let my Fae side mislead you. I can function better than most in reality. I can spot the charlatans.

But, along with the internet, and way too many years of schooling and reading, I have a decently developed intuition. I often get random insights on equally random topics I have never formally studied from somewhere that Lynn McTaggart has identified as the Field:

Luckily, I don’t have advanced abilities like my gifted friends Kim Russo or Bobbi Allison or Katherine Glass or I would probably take over the world. Or at least start a cult.

But whenever I get immersed into a problem, in my day job or in my writing, some strange voice in my head always hands me just the right tool to resolve it. Hand to God.

Indeed, my biggest fuck-ups in life have occurred when I have rejected this preternatural counsel, usually with the declaration “No fuckin’ way!”

Yeah Way! (Said with a Bronx Brogue). God, is that you?

I cannot begin to fathom what my mind will do when it is turbocharged with access to AI.

But one thing I will never do, is allow AI to write my stories.

That is like wearing a strap on to bed.

So what my readers find in my novels – and in this blog – is all me. Warts and all.

A carpenter never blames his tools or a magician his wand.

So, I don’t blame the blog site for going down for maintenance this morning.

It gave my unnatural mind some time to wander and share. Maybe too much.

But now I have to return to the real world.

Thank God it’s Tuesday.

Monday is again behind us on the Hamster wheel.

You fine, five (yes, 5 – Claire’s Theorem) readers get that caffeine fix in you and get out there and be fruitful. Or at least have a laugh.

I need to go cuddle a kitty and do my rounds.

Then work.

But no matter how our minds wander, let’s make today a great one.

AND DO NOT FORGET TO STOP BY Mon-Amour-Coffee-and-Wine Cafe this evening for Theresa Daly’s Poetry Reading.

2 Responses

  1. You seem to be “wand” obsessed today, Tommy… What’s up w that? Geez… I just fed into your wand MOJO too! Sublimation time for the BIC contingent…. Think of sports!

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