Beautiful Snowscape

Sorry this is late. I had to go out and try to shovel the deepest snow off my driveway so that I could get the Toyota (whose name, like my youngest granddaughter, is Stella) out to the road and drive my wife to work. But the snowscape was very pretty this morning when I went out to feed Claire and Honey at 2 am.

But I hate to shovel snow, and normally do not bother to do so on my driveway. Stella usually powers through it. And once I get through it once, I can follow the tread marks afterwords. But it was a little deep this morning and I needed to get Lisa to work (she could have driven herself in her Acura but it was pretty shitty out so I played the Chivalry card and dropped her off).

So that meant getting out there early to shovel instead of sitting in here and blogging.

And now my back is making me pay dearly. Funny that it didn’ t act up until after I did my time on the treadmill. Time for some Aleve.

The good news this morning was that TWA was again at No. 1.

The bad news is that it was back at #2 by the time I finished shoveling. Oh well.

Musn’t grumble. Except about my back.

And now I must deal with lawyerly things, so I have to flee.

I’m sure you fine, five readers have all left for your respective employment, so I hope all of you have a great day.

Pray for a thaw.

2 Responses

  1. Pretty cool photos! I especially like the eerie Amityville Horror lighting in the mule barn. They’re up to no good in there, I tell you! Watch your back!

  2. It sure does look beautiful but this is about as close as I want to get. Looking at your photo from warm soon to be sunny Key West. HAGD Tom.

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