BC Rises

Anyone that has followed my writing sojourn is fully familiar with my life long (at least 50+ of my life) frenemy, BC.

BC is one of those geniuses that was around for 90% of the most interesting events in my life. There were many times when the shit was hitting the fan when he provided amazing counsel and advice. But it never came without his absolute honesty in assessing how you got there. However, he was funny as fuck.

He was a favorite of my parents and a regular border at the family home in Riverdale. He is one of the non-blood members of the McCaffrey Clan.

He was one of the early members of the original crew that surfaced after decades to congratulate me for the publication of TWA. AAA was already with the publisher, and I was already thinking about KMAG.

I had forgotten just how funny and smart he was.

For the past few years, BC’s been the glue that has held together the now reunited originals.

Given my penchant for pulling people I know into my books, I asked the crew if they wanted to be in KMAG. I told them they could only be bad guys. They signed right up.

BC sent me this hat.

When I needed to come up with the most horrible character in KMAG – the Voldemort of The Claire Saga – I chose BC.

I knew he would relish the role.

Of course, I also knew this would put his life at risk. My fans are loyal.

I did it anyway.

Upon KMAG’s publication, BC’s survival instincts immediately kicked in.

He retired from his profession and he and his lovely and ever patient wife, Nan, assumed false identities and went on a nationwide tour.

No one could find him.

However he kept sending me cryptic photos to let me know he was still alive, and the lengths he was going to in order to make sure he stayed that way.

There was cross-dressing.

Hiding out with animals.

And even seeking assistance from a soothsayer to lift the curse.

But nothing helped.

After almost a year on the run, I started receiving subtle references to a revenge scenario, which included implementing BC’s past experience as a Good Humor man during our childhood as a way to make a peremptory strike. You will often see my references to a possible demise at the hands of a milk truck. That is a direct reference to BC.

Feeling quite bad at the impact KMAG had on BC’s life, (and poor Nan who was collateral damage to the impact of his Voldemort character), I tried to rehabilitate BC by including him as the far more likeable Brian Kelly character in FJM.

BC did all he could to make the public connection between him and the new book.

He even donated an inscribed copy of the series to the Rochester Public Library.

But my readers were not buying it. They could not see past the evil Acronym character in KMAG.

Yesterday’s photo left no doubt to BC’s message.

BC had paid for his past sins and was now looking for his reward.

So, in honor of the completion of the final (?) book in The Claire Saga, WTLLM, I am officially cancelling the literary fatwa on BC.

Of course, should I get taken out by a milk truck, well, you know what to do.

But in the mean time, I have a kitty to cuddle, and rounds to make.

You fine, five readers, scratch BC’s name off your hit list, and get out there and attack the hump.

And no matter what else we do, today, let’s make it a great one.

BC, you can home now.

5 Responses

  1. OMG! This is hysterical!! To think you used the actual pics he sent to enhance the story. I’m sure Nan will be happy to be able to stop looking over her shoulder. As for BC, I imagine his survivor instinct will keep him living on the edge and sharing his journey with his imaginative perspective twists on all that he encounters in life.

  2. Looks like you read me right, Eileen. Because it seems Nan has come to enjoy living life on the run. So that will continue.

    But besides, it seems in situations like this, there’s always that one rogue loyal follower who doesn’t accept the fatwa call-off. Sometimes thinks it must have been offered under duress. And feels now only they alone can help their hero. So Nan and I must continue our journey as fugitives.

    In fact …. why would there be a guy in a Druid robe outside the house we’re renting this morning mowing the lawn and weed whacking?! Gotta go!

    Nan — Routine B!! And serpentine!!

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