Another Rug Rat Adventure

That opening photo looked like the three Aussies munchkins in a 50 interrogation room.


Yesterday started calm enough. My DIL, Georgie, took Stella out back to hang with Claire and Honey.

And Scarlett and Savanna did seem to keep busy at the now commandeered arts & crafts table.

But later, after their scheming parents snuck out for a mountain climb, leaving me and Lisa to babysit, I went to check on the sleeping Stella,

only to return to find the A&C table abandoned. Note that window.

I then glanced out the front window and saw the two older imps about to unlock the front gate to release Blue while Claire and Honey plotted their escape through what was soon to be my porous southern border.

Lisa decreed it was time to take them out for another adventure.

So we packed them into the car and drove 20 minutes to Lyons Park, in Lyons, Colorado.

Lyons is named after its founder, Edward S. Lyon, who established the town in 1880, failed at the quarrying business and moved on to California. It is located on the highway that leads you into the mountains – on the way towards the more elevated Estes Park.

But it has an amazing outdoor park with soccer fields, zip lines, all kinds of man made and natural jungle gyms and a lazy river that encircles the park right under foreboding sandstone outcroppings that have certainly tempted free climbers.

I wish my iphone had a better charge but before the battery ran out, I managed to capture some fun photos on swings,

and slides,

before the children decided the rocks offered more opportunity to increase my cortisol levels,

especially when it took me a moment to locate Savanna.

And after the three of them then spent an hour tempting fate dancing along the edges of a rapidly moving, Spring run off, stream – my iPhone was dead at that point – they were hungry, so we took them to McDonalds, where during the drive I got a little charge back in the phone.

and snapped some photos while they ate and then spent another 45 minutes taunting us from the indoor jungle gym.

But finally, after threats to leave them behind for the McDonalds workers to find when they were closing up shop, we all returned to Casa Claire, where Blue waited sadly and patiently,

And Honey gave me the stink eye when I brought out their afternoon repast a little later than I was supposed to.

But considering that any day involving McCaffrey rug rats that doesn’t end up in Urgent Care is a success, we chalked yesterday up as an exhausting win.

Although Lisa did ask me when our legacies were returning to Oz.

Anway, today is another day with our Ozmandians, which means another opportunity for adventure, so I better get a move on.

Kitties are waiting for their cuddles and rounds thereafter.

But for you fine, five readers, we have again reached magical Friday. March Madness Final Four this weekend!

So get that last cuppa in you and slide through your work day comparing busted brackets and betting on the survivors. Then, when the boss isn’t looking, make your Irish exits.

Since your Friday, by its very nature, is relatively free, consider taking a quick spin back through the first four books of The Claire Saga. Where The Ley Lines Meet should hit the calendar just as the MM b-ball hangover has completely dissipated. Trust me, it will be one of the most exciting diversions you can hope for. You just can’t see the end(?) of this story coming.

And whatever we get up to this glorious Friday, let us make it a great one.

8 Responses

  1. How fun! I bet you sleep like a rock after this. Three very distinct personalities. I can see them in the videos on FB. Enjoy the time with them.

  2. John, Peter, Adrienne, Yvette, Joe, Jennifer and me!! That makes at least 7 readers! You might have to update your “five fine readers” comment!


    1. No, it actually confirms Claire’s Theorem. John, Peter, Adrienne, Yvette and Joe posted on April 5th. That’s 5.

      The Jen on April 6th. That’s 1.

      And now you on the Solar Eclipse. A Mystical 1.

      Never more than 5.

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