All About The Mules

Yesterday, Claire and Honey appeared especially calm and content.

They were in no rush, Claire eased herself out of the new barn after her second breakfast, Honey had already eaten and ran.

It was a warm day, but not the brutal heat we had been experiencing. It was almost autumnal, so Claire joined Honey out back for a sun nap early in the day.

They actually left me alone and spent their time casually wandering the property. Although Claire did poke her head in the back door a few times to get some cool air and to occasionally watch the TV, which I leave on for her.

But they were not their usual demanding selves. No hoof on glass banging. They seemed to understand that I had some of my own work to take care of and they let me do it.

With the two older girls off to school, the house was a little bit calmer.

Georgie and Stella dropped the girls at school and were busy off somewhere in a distant part of the house for some one-on-one time. Lisa had a hair appointment and Luke had a eye check up. So, it was just me and the mules.

It seemed that all of the recent craziness, barn conversions, wildfires and fur-family passings, were now behind us, and we were able to move forward again.

I was able to catch my breath.

And that was a perfect way to spend a Friday at Casa Claire.

Now Saturday is upon us, so I have my weekend chores to attend to.

But first, some kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

You fine, five readers ease yourselves into your August Saturday. Cut that errand list down to the existential necessities, then go enjoy yourself. Stop and take a deep breath.

I have mule related matters, shopping, prepping, shit scooping. I have a couple of more winter coats that need cleaning and mending. And some hay to order. It will get done. No rush.

I went out and did some grounding just because my computer refused to cooperate.

It really is acting wonky. Mandela effect.

I better cut this short before everything crashes.

And, no matter what else we all get up to, let us make today a great one.

5 Responses

  1. Morning Tom, hope your saturday is a Blessed one. Tell Claire that Max, “the wifes horse”, Ember, “my pony” and I said hi. Sitting in the shop having a cup with my old girl. Taking a break from her heart transplant surgery. My knuckles are a bit bloody🤣

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