A Great New Way To Select Books – https://shepherd.com


When you are starting your literary career at the back end of your sixties, you have to work overtime trying to get your name out there. You must build your brand quickly or the readers move onto the next hot ticket without you.

But luck will play into it if you allow yourself to believe in it.

Not sure how I stumbled onto the radar of the remarkable young entrepreneur, named Ben Fox, who had created this start up company, Shepherd, that he intends to rival Goodreads. I believe him. I believe in him.


I love underdogs and ballsy people. I’ve been the former more times than I’d like to admit but I’m also the latter. So when his company reached out and asked me to provide a catchy list of book recommendations while advertising my own book(s), I said “Yes Please!”

Ben creates high quality content. He did an amazing job with my posting.

He’s done the same for many other writers in a short period of time.

I highly recommend that you check out his website for your next great book recommendations.


If you are a writer trying to break out, then I also recommend you reach out to Ben and try to get your own recommendations out there. Pay it forward. It always comes back to you.

Tell Ben Tommy McCaffrey sent you.

As I said, the Universe always remembers when you pay it forward.

Well, it’s Thursday, and that means Friday is just a wake up away.

I have to get moving because I have to get my kitty cuddle, rounds and dreadmill in before I pick Lisa up at the airport.

Luckily I vacuumed last night. No really, I did.

But you fine, five readers go out there and wrap up your work week.

Leave yourself tomorrow to plan fun things.

And check out Ben’s site, maybe find some interesting book leads.

But most of all, make today a great one.

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