A Day Without Thinking – Hang Tough Bill Hillman.

Blue’s Vet called yesterday evening. Her follow up comprehensive tick borne disease panel came back negative. So, we took Blue off antibiotics. But that just leaves the incurable possibilities. More possible tests. More stress on Blue.

We are not putting her through chemo.

So, today, I don’t want to think about this problem.

But we are not giving up.

Blue will remain on the prednisone regimen until sometime next week, when we’ll allow one more blood test to see if her platelet count responds.

That is the mortar and pestle above (from Salem) we use to crush up the large prednisone pills, mix them with water and then suck the mixture into a syringe so we can shoot it down Blue’s throat. She wasn’t cooperating with the pills hidden in flavored pockets. I use the “make today a great one” book mark Renee Clarke gave me to add a little mojo when I mix it.

Until whenever, its lots of time and love.

Without Claire and Honey here, and those fires still burning, I have different items on today’s to do list.

But first a kitty cuddle.

I do want to share that a dear friend and one of my wonderful inner circle of readers, Anna Hillman, has a brother, Bill Hillman, that is going through a rough medical patch. My prayers are with him. I’ve got a candle going for him. Pitch in your own prayer if you have a moment. Anna is good people.

You fine, five readers get those weekend errands done and then get out into your world and enjoy precious moments with friends, family and other loved ones.

And whatever else we may get up to, let us make today a great one.

7 Responses

  1. Blue is foftunate to have Lisa and yourself. remember to carve out sometime for yourself today Tom as well. You cannot be the leader if your tank is empty…
    I hope your friend feels better soon.

  2. Anna I want you to know my prayers are being said for Bill🙏
    Tommy the news last night here in Michigan were showing those fires and devastation there in Colorado. They estimated 297 men and women were out there fighting the fires. My prayers that they all stay safe and manage to get those fires contained.

    1. Thanks Eileen.
      Bill is continuing to improve but it was pretty rough there for a few days. He is THAT person in this world for me and was technically in heart failure with his days remaining counted in weeks. But thanks to wonderful doctors his prognosis is good.
      I have a newfound respect for medical experts in their field. In this case cardiologists. ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Tom,
    Blue and your family are in my prayers. She is in the best hands with you as her human. 😇
    And thanks for the candle and prayers for Bill. Things are looking cautiously optimistic for him. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.

  4. Life has difficult stages and whatever lies ahead, Blue is blessed to have loved ones around.
    Good to hear Bill is improving. Modern medicine and prayers are a powerful combination.
    Stay safe and well.

  5. Anna, I’ll put your brother in my prayers tonight🙏. So glad he’s improving. Hugs to you and your family!

    Tom, Blue has been in my prayers for a couple of days. Hoping she stays strong and comfortable/ pain free through whatever she has. Sending her hugs from ND!🐾♥️

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