A Day Out With The Grans

Took the grans out for breakfast at The Village Inn to free up their dad for some work related matters and then stopped in Loveland for a town wide car show. All of old town was filled with vintage muscle cars without computer chips that reminded me of my youth, some older versions that were puttering around when Spaghetti first arrived in this country, and everything in between.

But it was the Rat Bastard car that warranted the photo. Felt like home.

We also stopped long enough to allow the urchins to envelop a frog sculpture.

But the grans weren’t feeling it beyond the idea of eating delicious sugar filled cookies at one of the local shops. And once having allowed that to happen, Lisa decided to take them to a park where they could burn off that sugar rush in a natural setting.

It was nice to see kids old school amuse themselves playing dangerously on rocks set in moving water, swinging sticks and hurling stones past one another’s heads to see who could make the largest splash.

They also kept sliding stones they were purporting to curate for their growing mystical stone collections into my hoody’s front pocket until I finally figured out that they were just trying to load me down with ballast so I would sink to the bottom of the stream when they bumped me off the rocks. Very Virginia Woolf – https://www.flavorwire.com/224166/10-famous-author-suicides-in-literary-history. Cheeky bastards.

I allowed them free run until I spotted what looked like the two oldest searching for the body of their youngest sibling –

luckily she had scampered off to be with Lisa – then we all returned to Casa Claire and Lisa and I dumped them back on their father. Then Lisa and I went out and bought some plants for the Jack the Spruce Grotto front pots, where, when I later dropped the flora by their respective pots – Lisa handles the actual potting – I spotted Claire and Honey enjoying some grazing on the front property.

While we were out, Luke got the two younger ones down for a badly needed sugar crash nap, and afterwards, Scarlett kept me company down in the Dungeon while I started my actual weekly veggie prep chores while fielding a lot of interesting questions about ghosts, aliens and magic, from Scarlett. I could feel Bridey “Nana” Burke in the room.

Then Lisa went out to the store to replenish my fruit and veggie stocks and Luke took Scarlett out with him to search for a Mother’s Day gift for Georgie, who will be returning Stateside Monday, after getting their beautiful Oz house emptied, and spruced up, everything shipped and on the market.

check out this beauty – the house not the DIL – ten minutes from the beach – by enlarging the placard to locate the Oz realtor, Ray White.

And yes, the Oz family has decided to return stateside where Luke can engage in a profession that fuels his adrenaline junkie needs, have more of a hands on approach to marketing his books,

and relocate the grans a much shorter distance from the rest of the McCaffrey Clan.

BTW, if you have not yet read Lebanon Red, and are into international thrillers – Luke did a lot of interesting overseas traveling in his youth – and you are into Jack Reacher and Jason Bourne type storylines – check out his book. If you have read it, please drop a review on Amazon. The sequel is amazing and just going through final edits.

But all of this means the Ozmandians will all remain with us until mid summer, while Luke finalizes his professional status and new location. Stay tuned.

Yes, the impact of this decision is still settling in. I may move into the barn with the mules. Maybe I’ll start drinking again.

Speaking of the mules, I have all of my outdoor chores to get to.

But before I do, there are some kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

You fine, five readers, make this a day of rest.

The Knicks and Nuggets are both separately on the line with respective game 7s.

But if you are not into B-Ball, read a book instead.

And whatever else we get up to on God’s day of rest, let us make today a great one.

6 Responses

  1. They may not realize it now, but those kiddos are so lucky to have this time with their grandparents. They will cherish it forever. Have fun!

  2. I hope you are printing your blogs and filing them away for the offspring to read and enjoy one day. You have an amazing gift for writing. Rest assured they will get a chuckle out of this particular blog.

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