A Busy Day

Yesterday was one of those continuously busy days where I spent a lot of time outdoors doing my weekend chores. V&B (the basis for bonnie and t from The Claire Saga) stopped by to drop off even more art supplies and educational books for the grans – the education of whom they are very proprietary since both V&B have an extensive background in early childhood education – to keep the grans intellectually developing while they are transitioning back to school in the US this fall.

Still, I got to catch glimpses and snap candid photos of the urchins wandering around the property on Casa Claire at various points as I continued my chores and they went about their mischief

And I even caught shots of their father having a interlude – snapping a photo of a photographer snapping a photo – of Claire and Honey who were posing for him in the back by Geppetto’s Workshop,

And a priceless moment later in the afternoon where Lisa – who would kill me if she knew I posted a shot of her – introduced Smokey the cat to our oldest granddaughter, Scarlett – out front in the Jack The Spruce Grotto. The other urchins were very jealous.

But since it has a Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post cover feel to it – and was shot through a screen – I’m tossing all caution to the wind and blaming my typing elves for its inclusion.

To distract the other urchins from their loss of Smokey contact, which that poor cat would never survive, I led them on the errand of placing the beautiful, but now week old, Mother’s Day roses that V&B had sent Lisa around the base of Jack The Spruce, who loves to have old flowers placed around his base, as does the elves that inhabit his base, while the urchins collected the falling petals for future mystical use during the upcoming full moon this week.

But then after a restorative hour lifeguarding the grans in Skyclad – and the Knicks losing but the Nuggets winning – we all assembled on the back deck, wrapped ourselves in blankets and allowed Scarlett to guide the family group in our search for Colorado Night Sky UAPs (or UFOs in the olde vernacular).

I had positioned myself on the other end of the deck in case the extraterrestrials were only looking to take me on a joy ride. I can be selfish when it comes to my ETs. Could you imagine the impact on intergalactic relations if my grans commandeered another world’s spacecraft? I was up way later than my usual 8 pm.

But now the weekend is temporarily behind us and Monday has reared its ugly head. I have an emergent legal research project to attend to so I must move on.

But first a kitties cuddle and my rounds.

You fine, five readers pull your socks up, finish that last cuppa jo and get out there and be productive. No skyving. We must remain responsible and productive adults. If only on Monday.

But whatever else we do let us make today a great one.

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