Eddy Cook Part 2

Okay, so I managed to swing up to Ft. Collins and pick up Eddy’s inscribed book, just missing Eddy himself at The Alley Cat Cafe. So I left him an inscribed copy of TWA as a fair exchange.

Then I raced down to Mike O’Shay’s to install his twofer novel (and sequel) in its new resting place – The MOS Literary Bookshelf. Jen did the honors.

Well done Jen. Well done Eddy. Lonnie, it’s time for a longer shelf.

Now, as a reminder, if there are any other writers who would like to have their books on that shelf, send an inscribed copy to Lonni Bell at MOS: https://mikeoshays.com

Well today is a very busy day for chores so I need to get hopping.

But first, a kitty cuddle, my rounds and then torture.

You fine, five readers get out there and take care of your Saturday chores, then do something really fun. Something that chases the winter blues from your sights.

But most of all, have a great day.

Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that my dear old friend, Johnny Carey, had a birthday.

He’s old as fuck. So I didn’t want to jinx him with a birthday wish on Friday the 13th.

Belated Happy Birthday Johnny, you old bastard. Love to Helen, the kids, and Whitey.

7 Responses

  1. Happy birthday John Carey! Tom, I am getting a package today. I am so excited. I can see one book I have sent you on the book shelf. Are the others checked out? I hope so. I think Britain Our Way is the best one. So check it out people!

  2. The other books are on the right end out of the shot. BOW is an easy and pleasant read. A customer can get through it in one sitting while they have their dinner and a few beers at the bar. And don’t forget the eyes shot! Enjoy the books. And if you love FJM, please post a review on Book Bub and Goodreads as soon as you can. Thanks again for all of your support. Say hi to your folks and thank them again for their donations to the MOS Literary Bookshelf.

  3. My mailman just came by and no package. I guess I will get it Monday. I even checked my neighbors box and front door. Anyway, I will be sure to get pictures to you once I have the book. Sometimes Delivery Digest from the PO can be a day or two off. Or my mailman will turn back around and deliver it later. He has done that before. Having been a letter carrier for so long I know how that works. We are not perfect…well, most of us aren’t. 🙂 I’m going to go watch some football now. Go Chiefs!! They play next week. The best games will be on tomorrow and I will be watching them as well. Cheerio.

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