Wolf Moon

This first of three nights of the first full moon in 2023 started last night. It is known as the Wolf Moon. It’s a micro-moon, meaning its at its farthest point away from the earth (as opposed to those supermoons that fill the sky).

One reason for the name is that Wolves have a greater tendency to howl at the moon during winter months when they are out hunting. I can hear their Coyote cousins howling in the foothills as I go out to check on Claire and Honey.

I, of course, got my tall-boy intention/votive candle out there for the first night, as I want to take full advantage of all three mystical nights.

All of these first moon wishes are focusing on my books. I know, it’s selfish, but the Wolf Moon is a time to take care of your own needs. And I need Finding Jimmy Moran to be a breakout success. So far, so good.

Now, before you go thinking to yourself that magic isn’t going to help, understand that I never rely on just magic to do my work for me. Like the wolves and their hunting, I put in the time and sweat equity into everything I create, usually when the rest of the world is sleeping. That’s my office light on. I don’t wish my stories into existence. But I do howl at the moon.

But once that is all said and done, I do implore the Universe to open the pathways for me to follow, and to put a strong wind at my back. The candles focus my intentions and render my feelings into prayers. And, whatever your belief system, prayers matter.

Superstitions are fun, especially when they work.

Ask any baseball player.

Or Celt.

So light your candles. Tonight is the apex of the Wolf Moon.

But before I get to the apex, I need to deal with some daytime.

First, a kitty to cuddle, some moonlit rounds to make and finally some torture.

Now today is Friday, and you fine, five readers do what you need to do to get through it.

Then grab that first full 2023 weekend with both hands. Find your “me” time.

Maybe shop for some books. Or votive candles. Or both.

But, no matter what, make today a great one.

4 Responses

  1. Hi Tom, We can’t see the moon or any of the planets up right now. All we have is rain, rain, rain. Storms from California have pushed their way up here. I will try to make it to the Post Office today to mail you a book. One more written by the dynamic duo. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. The moon was so bright here in Key West last night that I thought my neighbors had left their lights on. As for magic, prayers, intentions, I am a believer in all.

  3. Adrienne, don’t make a special trip out in the rain for me. Wait until you have better weather. Anna, you just cannot beat the magic of a full moon. Both, have a great day.

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