Life Is Short. Time Is Luck.

One of my favorite movie lines, from the 2006 film version of Miami Vice, is as follows:

Isabella: “Once I had a fortune, it said: ‘Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck.'”

Now maybe, as a true Romantic, it was because I really felt the Shakespearian connection between the star crossed lovers Sonny and Isabella – especially in their Havana dance scene,

Given that connection, I interpreted that line – “Life is short. Time is luck.” – back in 2006 to mean that the two characters (and the film audience) should all live in their moment. Carpe Diem.

I sure hope Sonny changed his mind and went looking for Isabella. Fuego.

Given my present chronological demographic, less life, less time, I have learned to really appreciate my moments. They all seem to be triggered visually. Watching life’s movie. Looking for those dance scenes.

For example, this morning I was coming back from dropping Lisa at a per diem shift and I felt the moon trailing me along 287 North. So, I seized the moment, grabbed my iPhone from the shotgun seat beside me and blind snapped a photo through the driver’s window. The photo above. Turned out pretty good.

It’s technically not the three day Cold Moon cycle until tonight, but this lunar beauty was as close to a full moon as a cat’s tail is from its asshole.

It kept popping out at me the rest of the trip home. Stop. Look at me!

Even when I pulled into Casa Claire, Mother Moon let me know that she is there watching over its resident creatures. Reminding me to seize my moments.

I forget just how tall Jack the Spruce is. Always on watch over CC.

I often wonder how many readers caught JTS’s move on Dan Pearsall’s gun at the end of TWA. I actually went back and added that moment as the absolutely final edit before publication. JTS’s nod to Treebeard, Skinbark and Leaflock in LOTR. Carpe Diem.  

Now yesterday, I briefly babysat (Lisa had to do something on the other end of the house) my most terrifying gran, Stella, who dresses like 1980’s Madonna and wields a ruler with the skill and sadistic pleasure of the Sisters of Mercy,

I was multitasking – including scanning FB – when I came across the webpage of an old friend – an absolutely lovely woman who is a writer/director/producer in California – who had posted magnificent wedding photos. Stunning.

I commented with a compliment on the couple’s nuptial photos, not believing for a moment that after many decades my old friend would remember me. But I seized the moment.

One thing led to another which led to a DM which contained

The script she referred to – Spark of Faith – was the one that got me the most attention from the West Coast. Landed a couple of agents, and a couple of option checks. Established my friendship with the actor Stephen Furst,

Indeed, this lovely young woman may have introduced me to SF.

All part of my Hollywood Hustle,

So, I seized a moment in my life and sent both digital and audio versions of TCS to this lovely young woman. On Friday the 13th for extra luck.

And this morning’s Moon confirmed that it was the right thing to do, not because there are any guarantees that by doing so anything will happen, but, by not seizing the moment and taking some action I can absolutely guarantee that nothing will happen.

Like Sonny and Isabella, you have to dance when the music moves you. Carpe Diem.

Well, now I have to get ready for another Hay delivery from my dear buddy Tom Connelly.

I’ve already done my cuddles and rounds.

You fine, five readers get to those errands so you have the afternoon to relax. Maybe read a book.

But no matter what else comes across your plate, if you see a moment worth seizing, go for it.

And whatever else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

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