Charlotte Goes To The Barn – Circle Of Life

I like to make major changes during the full moon. Especially at its apex.

Now, most of you know I’m a big fan of spiders.

Many of you fine, five readers also know of my most recent large favorite house spider, Charlotte, that has been inhabiting my basement this summer. Now, I’m not sure if Charlotte was the same little spider that dropped down across my screen earlier this summer, when I was first building the barn, but there is no reason to believe that it is not. I mean, this little arachnid went out of her way to to get my attention by crossing the one place I do all of my creating. So I knew she was destined for greatness.

Charlotte made a big splash with the grans this summer, as they loved to come by and investigate her tremendous web in my basement lair.

Well, she had a great run into the fall. When I moved the spider’s TV box after Luke and Georgie and grans all shifted to their new home, I first shifted Charlotte to a spot over my sink,

where she quite happily continued to diminish those annoying flies that Claire shook off whenever she stuck her head through the basement sliding door.

That’s what you get when you annoy mules, especially Claire.

Well, it seems that Charlotte, as all Charlotte’s eventually do, has had such an abundant life in my basement, that she created an egg sack with lots of little Charlottes waiting to greet the world.

But I didn’t want all of those hundreds of little spiders freaking Lisa out, so yesterday evening, I captured Charlotte and took her with me to the barn when I brought Claire and Honey their last meal for the evening, el fresco so they could enjoy the lunar spectacle, just as the Hunter’s Moon was rising over the eastern horizon.

And I placed the large peanut conveyance jar, with its lid now ajar, on top of the fridge in the new barn.

Now I left it there because there is a slightly worn castle stored up there which will allow Charlotte some needed privacy until she releases her egg sack and there is easy access to the overhead beams that criss cross the entire barn. They will be an easy reach for her offspring. And the barn will remain warm with the heaters, and that heat will rise to the rafters.

When I went to check on Charlotte this morning,

her conveyance jar was empty.

I didn’t want to investigate too closely because I didn’t want to disturb the last of Charlotte’s Obstetrical journey. I’m sure Claire and Honey will look out for the babies, where they will continue to be happy, in their barn. And I wanted Charlotte to know this by her birthing them there. Only this next generation will have the equally articulate Claire, and her more taciturn sidekick Honey, instead of Wilbur, to watch over and converse with them. There is a large mouse, who I consistently call Templeton, inhabiting the new barn. He came in from the old barn stowed away in one of the shifted bales of hay. There are plenty of fruit and veggie scraps for Templeton to eat. All the makings for a successful new family of misfits in Casa Claire.

I will keep a lookout for Charlotte’s brood, and their web messages. They will have plenty of flies to catch in the barn without the possibility of being sucked up by a vacuum or swatted by a surprised Lisa. As long as they remain in the rafters, they should avoid accidentally being stepped on. The circle of life continues at Casa Claire.

Well, her we are again at the magical Friday. Dontcha love it!

You fine, five readers suck down that caffeine shot and get into work early. Strut your stuff with the powers that be to let them know they cannot be successful without your valiant efforts, then go out on a late morning coffee run and disappear into the weekend. You’ve earned it.

Me, I’ve got kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

But no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

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