Moving Out

Okay this is a quickie.

I had planned on writing about the epic reading at Downey’s Bar & Grill. That will have to wait.

However, yesterday, after getting Claire’s and Honey’s mani-pedis, we spent the day moving a lot of stuff from our house to Luke and Georgie’s new house. You see, the main furnishings, etc., finally arrived by boat around the world from Oz and as of Friday night, the grans actually slept in their posh real beds in their new home.

But there still remains a whole lot of stuff here, so I was moving bookshelves, a 70″ television that the grans have programed over the last 6 months to their interests, and boxes of food and snacks Lisa cleared from the pantry in our kitchen. There are still boxes of people stuff in the bedrooms and the garage remains packed to the rafters with furniture and a gun safe. It’s all got to go. Twenty miles there and back. Rinse and repeat.

Speaking of backs, mine is killing me. And I cannot find the Aleve, which must have been moved yesterday.

But I finally got to see L&G’s new house. It is beautiful. I will send photos if I ever get enough time to snap them and don’t die in the moving process.

I didn’t even get to do food prep yesterday, which had me out in the new barn this morning preparing breakfast and second breakfast in the dark while C & H waited patiently in the doorway. I actually had to take a full bag of whole carrots with me, with chopping board and knife, back to the house to prepare the bag I need for the rounds this morning in my basement, so that they could eat in the barn.

And I am quite literally exhausted. I finished my last run for the day after 8 pm and went right to bed.

When I woke up this morning at 2 am, I was still exhausted and forced myself to go back to sleep until 4 am. Still tired.

My house looks like Aunt Violet’s Flop House the day Joe and I finally abandoned it in the middle of the night (Lenny had already absconded to the Culinary Institute upstate to begin his life as a renowned chef). You see, the grans are like a hoard of locust. They just devour everything in their path and move on leaving decimation in their wake. Lisa spent a good deal of the day using Goop and a scraper to free the walls, windows and doorways of their mysterious adhesive ruins pasted on everything as charms protecting their conquered fortress.

I am wondering whether the Australian government sent them back here, putting them on the no mas list with the Caine Toads and feral cats.

But the house is finally silent. I can hear the ghosts again. I have my new 75″ flat screen TV going up on the magic wall sometime today, so Lisa and I can move out of the basement apartment and recover our main living room. I so miss my Brit Box and Acorn shows on Amazon, which won’t play on the basement TV.

While we are not there yet, there will soon be a time when I can walk barefoot through the home in the complete dark and not step on a hard plastic toy.

Lisa will go out this morning and buy more moving boxes and pack them up with an amazing accumulation of stuff collected over just 6 months, while Georgie and Luke – and the pups and grans – will unpack them in their new home.

I will then make many SUV runs to get this shit out of Casa Claire and reclaim the building and land for the Wizard of Berthoud and his ever patient Queen. It is finally time.

But life here will never return to normal.

For example, when I returned from my last moving run yesterday evening I spotted an anomaly on my driveway fence.

I was not sure if it was a warning from some other sorcerer or a gift to this one. What do you think?

Maybe BC has finally located Casa Claire. Enter at your own risk my friend.

Now we have not put out our Halloween decorations just yet. As a matter of fact, I intend to send most of them off with the grans so they can really make a splash with their new HOA this month. An Addams family presentation of fright for the local children.

I have a short list of usual suspects who may have placed this totem there. Might have Boston Sox roots as a result of another lack of post season appearance due to the extremely effective hex that remains on Jack the Spruce in the Fairy Grotto.

Then again, it could be a beneficial offering, given my predilection for the bizarre and occult.

Indeed, it may have been the totem needed to drive the grans from Casa Claire. I will leave it in place until their last bit of stuff is packed and moved. Cannot take any chances.

Then I’ll build a moat.

But that will be left for another time.

I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make. Then pain.

But you fine, five readers can slowly sip your cuppas and then make your way into doing something fun.

Like nothing at all.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us all make today a great one.

2 Responses

  1. love this post.. its like independence day for Lisa and yourself…. you will miss the kids and grand kids but thier is nothing like a quiet house…….

  2. Can’t wait to hear about Downeys! More Epic than flying chairs, fainting women and EMS? Really was fantastic evening. Perfect venue. And The Waitress was a character! There’s a cold read and then there’s a HOT read!

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