Do Women Really Lie More Than Men?

Okay, I’m not going to lie (yes, I am), I chose this topic because I was fascinated by the headline on the Science website I spotted it on, and, in all honesty, I figured it would be a quick and easy post because I have a ton of other shit to prepare for this morning.

But as a man, husband, writer and lawyer, it was fascinating to see it in print on the page.

The general premise is as follows: “While men and women are socialized differently, thus subjected to different societal conditions and pressures, each of the genders ends up developing different reasons as to why they would feel the need to lie.”

But when I went through the five reasons listed, I realized that I must be a woman. Could this be the start of my gender dysphoria?

1. Women lie to protect themselves.

2. Women lie to appease someone else’s feelings.

3. Women lie out of compassion.

4. Women lie out of politeness.

5. Women lie to pretend that everything is okay.

When I drilled down deeper on the supporting discussion, I realized that the writer was really only discussing “white” lies. told for noble reasons. Then I went back and double checked the author, who thankfully was a woman named “Lia.”

So, even though it really was only suggesting that women are more adept at “diet” lying, no man in his right mind would ever write that article.

However, I must set this argument to rest.

We all know that men invented lying. Just ask my hero, Ricky Gervais:

As an attorney for four decades, I’ve encountered every reason possible why men lie.

Sad but true, they are told most often for self advancement or the gain of an advantage. Very little nobility involved.

Now, as a writer, I may bend the truth to tell a better story, but I do try and build all my yarns around that kernel of truth, to sink the hook. And no one open my books seeking the truth, although there’s plenty in there.

So ladies, do not believe everything you hear or read about women lying more than men. You are not only the fairer sex, you are by far the most honest and noble. We men would be lost without you.

Now, before I sign off here, I do have a question for those fine (you all are), five women who are reading this blog – “do these pants make me look fat?”

Well, I have a deposition to prepare for so I have to go.

No rounds today but I will quickly cuddle the kitties.

You fine five readers keep telling those white lies and making the people in your world feel a little better. It can only help us all get through our days.

But no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

2 Responses

  1. This is a funny blog, and I just can’t pass up commenting on your question!😃

    “No honey, you couldn’t look fat in anything!” 😃. (The answer you can’t go wrong with) (And no, I’m not calling Tom ‘honey’… it just went well with the answer)

    Or better yet: “ Do you like those pants?”
    “They look perfect on you!”😂

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