Missing Cairo

Anyone of you fine, five readers who have been around long enough, know of the mythic mountain of a mastiff named Cairo who had been around since Luke and Georgie first rescued him back in the Bronx.

Cairo was the furry older sibling to the three little witches.

He travelled with them all over the United States and finally moved with the family to Oz. He remained their protector and babysitter.

There he crossed the veil.

If you listen to the grans, they share their very mystical and healthy view that Cairo remains around them in ethereal form as a spirit animal watching over them like the guardian he was for the first 7 years of their collective lives (15 with the family). And they are right.

But it is clear that they miss him.

Blue has done her best to sub in for her massive cousin,

But when I went out yesterday to drag the huge extremely heavy desk out for- as the Aussie’s say, the Binman – I saw just how much the girls miss their guardian.

When I mentioned the sign to Lisa, she shared that the girls all sat out on the front porch the night before waiting for someone to take them up on their offer. They got very excited when the Amazon delivery woman came up the driveway.

I really cannot wait for the Ozmandians to decide on a final destination and buy a home so they can fill it with new rescues for the girls. I’m a big fan of rescues – they really do understand that they have been rescued and respond in loving kind – and if Lisa would allow it I would have tons more at Casa Claire. But it is expensive to take care of animals properly (Mules eat a lot and often) – especially in today’s economy – so until I get that movie deal I’m left with the mystical creatures that walk among me on this magical property now.

Well, I need to get out there and cuddle my kitties and then make my rounds.

Thank God, as they say, it’s Friday.

You fine, five readers finish that last cuppa and slip into work for just as long as you need to fool the bosses and complete your weekend plans.

Maybe you can go out and adopt a rescue. It will change your life.

And no matter what we collectively or individually get up to, let us make today a great one.

One Response

  1. When they are ready… I have a great rescue org that might be perfect to suit the Ozsters’ needs and dreams. Real Dog Rescue has been a favorite charity of mine for more than a decade
    They held a visiting day here last month, and the quality and temperaments of the fogs being rescued and fostered are impressive. I almost adopted a great Cairn/Aussie/Border Terrier myself! LMK if you want RDR info for future reference!

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