Summer Solstice – Downey’s Bar & Grill

The Solstices, like the Equinoxes, carry their own bit of mysticism and fun.

The Irish, as is their way, historically like to partake in the Solstices at Newgrange (Meath) and Carrowkeel (Sligo),

And of course, everyone knows of Stonehenge in Salisbury, England.

which is used to mark both of the Equinox and Solstice, and plays a role KMAG.

The Summer and Winter Solstices, respectively, are the longest (June) and shortest (December) days of the year.

The Equinoxes, in March and and September, are when the day and night are evenly split. Try balancing an egg on either date.

If you lean into a natural approach to life, here’s lots you can do to enjoy the Summer Solstice.

Take extra note of #7. “Unlock your creativity”

But this Midsummer’s Night was not for dreaming for this bard.

For some strange reason, I awoke at 12:01 am, this morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep.

Instead of tossing and turning for another two hours, I got up and went downstairs. I put the coffee on and then lit the set of candles and incense I had prepared yesterday.

First outside,

and then inside,

As you can see, I have a lot of intentions going on this longest day.

And, going along with the discordance in my own sleep patterns, Claire and Honey, eyes appropriately glowing, came up early from the back and demanded their meals.

Now my candles must have gotten right to work, as one of the intention matters at hand was trying to set up a second Bronx reading in a North Riverdale establishment during my week back in the Bronx in late September. I wanted to come home.

I had recently reached out to Brian Downey, a member of the Riverdale Downey Clan. They share the same Galway heritage as the maternal Bridey Burke’s side of my family. They grew up right behind our Riverdale home. I knew their parents, coached baseball against their Dad. Their Mom, Gerri, an absolutely lovely woman, worked at The Prep. We socialized on a few occasions, and had the St. Maggies, RNH and Fordham Prep and even All Hallows connections. The boys are of the same generation as my writer/firefighter/Ozmandian son, Luke, and attended Fordham Prep while Luke was there.

Never waste an opportunity to plug my son’s book:

Brian is FDNY, coaches Varsity Basketball at Fordham Prep, and owns a large establishment – practically called Downey’s Bar & Grill – right down the hill from my family Homestead on Mosholu Avenue.

Turns out, Brian has some other accolades.

Now, I didn’t have Brian’s cell number, after all, I have been gone since 2017, so recently I took a shot and left him a DM on the establishment’s Facebook page.

It was a long shot. A message in a bottle. I wasn’t sure if it would even get to him. But this is Riverdale we’re talking about.

After lighting those intention candles this morning, I opened the computer and found a direct response from Brian.

Boy those candles work fast. Celtic Clans in Riverdale rock!

So, I started off this very long day with some very good news. With any luck, I will be able to do a reading from all five of books in The Claire Saga in a one night only run at Downey’s back in my forever Home Town.

I will also get to catch up with the Riverdalians, old and new.

Maybe I can shame my brothers into attending. Maybe they’ll actually read the books as well.

Hope no one tells them they are killed off. Payback could be a bitch.

But now I’ll have a full schedule with the reading at An Beal Bocht Cafe (South Riverdale), on Wednesday September 25th (Thank you Packie Jo) and then another in (North) Riverdale at Downey’s (Thank you Brian) on one of the other nights that week. Bronx covered.

That week will be busy, as I will be doing a reading/Q&A/signing session at the Berthoud Literary Festival the weekend before and then attending the Cardinal Spellman 50th Reunion (I would have graduated with the Class of ’74 – so they made me an honorary member) at the close of that week in NY.

But it is the magical moments like this that makes the writing seem real.

And for that I am ever grateful.

Well, you fine, five readers wake up when you want, and if you are feeling particularly rebellious, play hookey on this longest day. Do something magical instead.

And if any of you are in the Bronx the week of September 23rd, stop in at one (or both) of the Riverdale readings and say hello. It will be great to see you.

Well, it still early, so I think I’ll take my coffee outside and do some grounding – it’s also the first night of the three days of the Strawberry Moon. Great ju-ju.

And later on, when the sun starts to rise, a little kittie cuddling and my rounds.

But no matter what else we get up to on this very long day, let us make today a very long great one.

14 Responses

  1. 1. Congrats re Downeys. Can we do a late-night reading/eating down at Broadway Joe’s Pizza too?😉🙄😎
    2. Please do not tell me that you are now drinking “👣-ground” coffee. To paraphrase Pink Floyd: 🎶Hey, Feetsy, leave those beans alone!🎶

  2. Congratulations! Delighted for you. I got an email from one of the girls who run the poetry at poor mouth series in Beal Bocht. She offered me a feature spot on Aug 14. Will be sharing that with a writer I enjoy Marty Kleinman . He does short stories re growing up in nyc. See you when you read!

    1. Theresa, that’s awesome. Hope you video the ABB Poetry night. Looking forward to catching up with you in September.

  3. Downeys would be fantastic for this NRiverdale girl! On my calendar for ABB, but if I can walk down the hill, fantastic. Remember when it was Fergus ll. Long time ago.

  4. All things work out as they are meant to be Tom…. I bet Maureen had a bit of a say in the matter as well!!!

    1. Cannot imagine a better angel interceding on my behalf. Now if she would just do me one more favor and pack the house, like she did for her last event, I’ll be all set.

      1. The fund raiser for Maureen was outstanding..a great tribute to her and the community who attended.i was blown away by the outpouring of love for her…

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