Lighting Life

The light around here yesterday was amazing.

Spotted Claire and Honey having a gnosh out by the Gnomes in the early afternoon and snapped their photos because the fairies on the post caught my eye.

Then, while making coffee in the dungeon, I looked out and spotted Scarlett on her own a little later communing with the trees. She truly is a feral changeling.

I looked out back and spotted Claire and Honey napping in the distance.

Later on, I came upstairs after some last minute lawyering. The sun was still sitting high enough over the foothills to throw a warm glow over Casa Claire. Lisa was downstairs watching the news. Luke and Stella were reading off in a far corner of the back deck. Georgie was in the kitchen, preparing the family meal.

I didn’t see Scarlett and Savanna anywhere, and then I heard some girl giggling and I spotted them darting out from behind Claire’s Wee Laire, returning towards the house. When they saw me standing there watching from the deck, they tried to avoid me snapping their photos by first hiding as best they could (they need to work on that),

And then making separate dashes for the house, doing their best to outrun the iPhone camera.

Scarlett first.

And then Savanna.

But, even with their physical gifts, their attempts were in vain. I captured their souls. And I captured their delight.

To see them enjoying just wandering and investigating the property, being sisters, letting their imaginations loose, getting out from under the watchful eyes of the family adults, made me happy. For that is the magic of Casa Claire.

Well, now Monday is behind us. So you fine, five readers should finish that cuppa and leap into the throng of the work week. Address the toughest issues knowing you want to get it all resolved by Thursday, at the latest, so that Friday is a soft launch into your weekend, especially since we have both a Summer Solstice and a Strawberry Moon on the Menu.

Me, I’m going to go cuddle some kitties and make my rounds. Then I’ll see where the law takes me.

But no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

2 Responses

  1. What a wonderful Monday for you and all at Casa Claire. I love to see the pics of the girls running with such happiness and exuberance. Although we will always have our memories it’s fantastic how you capture life with the family (both fur and human)! in pics because they will surely bring much joy to not only you but all you share them with as the years go on. We all know to well how quickly the years go by and especially how the young ones grow and change in a blink of an eye.

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