Feeling A Bit Peckish – Solar Eclipse Of 2024

Yesterday, everything at Casa Claire stopped ay 11:30 am Mountain Time to watch the Solar Eclipse.

I grabbed a coffee and my favorite deck chair, put on my magic cardboard glasses and sat back and enjoyed the spectacle.

Three generations rotated in and out of the back deck to catch various stages of the eclipse.

but most of the time it was just me and Luke.

And Blue, whose loyalty overcame her boredom as she lay there while she and the crematory ashes of her passed friend and family member, Cairo, and Scarlett’s quartz stones absorbed the unique energy raining down on them.

Claire and Honey were sunning themselves out back.

To the casual observer, we were staring up through our azure blue sky, and destroying our retinas while looking at this.

But thanks to our magic glasses we were all seeing this

and this

And, at 12:41 our time I left my deck chair and grounded my feet and stared up at the apex of the event, while I gazed at what was probably the last Solar Eclipse of my lifetime. I’m glad Blue was with me.

Then I returned inside and joined my granddaughters at the Arts & Crafts table and while they went about consuming reams of my printer paper creating what you could only call off-colored knock-knock jokes, I surreptitiously stole one of their A&C googly eyes and made a big thing of transitioning into a zombie, that looked an awful lot like Alastor Mad-Eye Moody, from Harry Potter.

Didn’t phase the little monsters. But little did I realize that for the past week those rugrats were continuously coughing a strange contagion that they had brought back with them from Oz. Other than a slight cough, they were completely asymptomatic. Given that I had never been previously exposed to this strange variant of virus, sooner or later my close proximity to the munchkins wore down my excellent antibody system and now I am suffering symptoms of what can only be described as the flu. Bastards.

Either that or the Solar Eclipse has done me in.

Shit, I hope that wasn’t the rapture, I’m not ready to go. And trust me, God doesn’t want me.

Thank God for Nyquil and Dayquil Severe. I took to the bed early last night and slept walked through the UConn Purdue game, while Lisa made a roaring fire in the Great Kahuna in the living room and she and the girls camped out on the livingroom floor. I suspect the little monsters may have burned me in effigy. I feel like shit but I’m still functioning. No rest for the wicked.

Well, Tuesday is upon us and I actually have work to do today, so I better get on it.

But first some kitty cuddles and my rounds.

I hope you fine, five readers survived the SE. I hope you all got to see some of it. It was a beauty.

Well, whatever else we get up to today, let us make it a great one.

2 Responses

  1. I hope you are feeling better real soon. You need to be at your best to keep up with those young ones.

  2. Those grands will wear ya down.
    In SE Mi the eclipse left just a sliver of the sun. Amazing how light it was with just that.
    The universe is pretty awesome.

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