Three Cute Witches

When I explained to my granddaughters during our outing to McIntosh Lake in Longmont yesterday that the two oldest of them appear in The Claire Saga as full blown witches and the youngest is the most badass alien you could ever hope to meet, all with supernatural powers, in pure McCaffrey fashion, they were thrilled. They appreciate the occult and extraterrestrial. And they love to be badass. It’s preternaturally genetic.

Lisa then instructed them on the importance of a family having roots.

And then a little art appreciation.

And then Lisa and I allowed them to run wild like berserkers in a local park until we (the grandparents) were exhausted.

Note the prehensile feet.

Also, some other families arrived with their children and we were afraid our three terrors would bite them. Stella – the youngest – was eying a cute little boy with all intentions of turning him. She really must learn to mask those thoughts.

At that point, I managed to trap the two youngest like genies,

And then treed the oldest,

And took them back kicking and screaming to Casa Claire, where the two eldest settled in to creating their own artwork forgeries while the youngest decided to hack the Louvre and scout out opportunities.

To be honest, the outing was more physically taxing than a full day of outdoor chores around Casa Claire. Parenting in general is best left to the young. Parenting McCaffrey rugrats is definitely best left to the brave.

An outing with grandchildren, like the best kind of athletic sex, is exhausting, but you never regret either, and are always willing to do it again as soon as you catch your breath.

Let’s hope that the heart doesn’t give out. In either case.

Well, I need to go cuddle some kitties and then do my rounds.

You fine, five readers get your skates on, it’s Hump Day.

Wave to Friday from the peak, March Madness is waiting at the weekend.

But during any freetime, be sure to be reviewing your Cliff notes on the first four books of The Claire Saga. You want to be primed and ready to engage the final countdown – WTLLM.

So let us finish our last cuppa and get on that good foot.

And most of all, let us all make today a great one.

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