If you happen to be one of the same fine, five readers (Claire’s Theorem) who read my recent post about my childhood frenemy, BC,
Every Creative Needs A BC
you will understand why I had to scrap the blog I was working on just to give BC a by-line. You see, his text popped up on the OFC (Old Fuckers Club) group text, and it was so quintessential BC, I just had to grab it and post it.
If you weren’t one of that set of lucky fine, five readers, I suggest you go back and read it before pushing on.
You see, BC (and his ever patient wife Nan) have been traveling non-stop around the globe in an effort to avoid the Fatwa imposed by the Clairettes for his infamy in KMAG. Even his comedic return as Brian Kelly in FJM wasn’t enough to have it lifted.

Well, this morning I almost pissed myself when his text came across the internet. It not only captured the present day BC, but it captured the magic that BC brought into my childhood on a regular basis – and why he was included as a character (twice) in The Claire Saga. So, without further eloquence –
– let me introduce you to the mind and personality that led me on a thousand adventures in our respective and collective youth, many of which ended up in FJM. Oh, the “Joe” mentioned is Joe Serrano, who also appeared in KMAG under his name, and as Joe Marrero in FJM.

You see, this is like a letter from Huck Finn to Tom Sawyer. It shows that I was truly blessed by being surrounded by fertile minds and daring personalities throughout my childhood, which left their indelible imprint on my imagination.
Thank you BC. . . . for being BC. God bless you Nan.
Well, that’s more than enough today.
Now I need to pull my socks up and gather the massive amount of recyclables and the small bit of garbage I collect each week and drag it all to the road.
Then some kitty cuddles and my rounds.
You fine, five readers have that second cuppa and embrace Maundy Thursday to wrap up your week so you can watch March Madness on your phones tomorrow at “work”. Stop in at church if the spirit moves you.
And just in case, BC, if you are reading this, gather some friends together, an even dozen will do, and order something special for tonight’s meal. I hear the chicken is the hot ticket on most gator farms in the South.

Oh, and try to pick at least two guests with the same name for tonight’s last dinner invite list.
No need to keep an eye on both. One may have to leave the party early.
But whatever the rest of us get up to, let us all make today a great one.
7 Responses
BC has Skilz…
Try my best, he’s a survivor.
I wonder how BC knew of the burning photo?
The gift of BC’s friendship is a gift that just keeps giving! All these years later and he still manages to amaze and entertain me. God bless Nan! She is a saint!
I have to give BC credit where credit is due he definitely seems to manage outwit you and the fate that became his destiny after the readers read what he did in The Claire Saga (no spoiler here, you need to read TCS)
I questioned yesterday about the taste of those wine chips, not wanting Joe’s name to be tarnished and then they turn out to be life saving Cheddaaahhh!
BC I imagine Joe is saying “just trust me…..”
Oh Eileen, Joe saying “Just trust me” invokes visions of zip lines, plumbers and body jewelry.
Thank you, all. I’m here til Tuesday. Please remember to tip your wait staff.
And that helicopter was the dead giveaway on you being behind my plight yesterday, after what you did to me in novel #3, Kissing My Ass Goodbye.
And yes, Eileen, Nan truly is a saint. Please start the paperwork to have her officially declared as such. I’ll tell her the good news when she uncurls from the fetal position that she’s been in since we got back to this condo last night.