Congrats Joe & Donna Serrano

Joe & Donna became grandparents on late Monday/early Tuesday when their lovely daughter, Nicole, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was a long labor but the baby is fine and Nicole and her wife, Brianne Stokes, are thrilled.

On behalf of the Old Fuckers Club, congrats Nicole and Brianne and baby, and Joe and Donna Serrano. May this new grandchild – along with all the prior grandchildren – bring your growing family nothing but happiness.

For anyone keeping score, Joe plays a bad guy in KMAG, but also a great guy as Joe Marrero, in FJM. We’ve know each other forever.

Okay, I actually have an emergent legal matter to attend to, so I need to cut this short.

You fine, five readers, I’ll try to make it up to you tomorrow.

But no matter what else we do, let us make today a great one.

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