Sometimes Quiet Days Are Just What You Need

It stayed cool yesterday, just below freezing, which is relatively balmy. But there was moisture in the air, which made it seem colder.

The mules had their 5 week mani-pedi in the morning. Surprisingly, Honey surrendered pretty quickly in her round of ringolevio. She even accepted peppermint treats from me, which she never does.

Then the girls spent most of the day afterwards lying around on the lower property, soaking up the sun and admiring their mani-pedi work.

While a lone crow sat on the fence and watched them, fluffing her feathers to stay warm.

I used the time productively, indoors, chopping the veggies and fruits for the week.

Lisa was out doing errands, so after completing the food prep, I tried to capitalize on the wonderful work of Anna the Barber on Friday by snapping a self portrait of her razor’s results before it returned to seed, to hopefully use in some future marketing feature

but I’m not sure there is any way to salvage this face.

You have to play the cards you are dealt.

But there was some fun to be had.

Modern technology is a wonderful thing.

We got to group chat with our daughter Jackie and our grandson, Lucian (yes the basis for his character in TCS), who were out shopping in Altanta and called us while they made their local rounds in the car. Jackie’s husband Zack was driving back cross-country with the animals from Breckenridge. All is well with that branch of the family tree.

Later, Lisa and I got to face-time with our Oz-bound family in order to wish our youngest granddaughter, Stella, a happy birthday 24 hours in the future down under.

Left to right – Georgie, Savanna & Scarlett (the basis for those named witches in training characters, who taught Claire how to speak when they were just about this age), Luke and, in the front right, the birthday girl Stella – yes, she is the basis for the Centaurian hybrid character.

I have to say those Aussie genes have really upped the McCaffrey gene pool ante.

The camera loves each and every one of them.

They later sent the above photo capturing them enjoying the birthday lunch of fish and chips al fresco at the beach. They really do live in paradise. Lisa made some promises of a future visit to see the girls. Happy Birthday Stella Bella.

All in all, it was a quiet, uneventful day. But sometimes that is just what one needs.

Oh, and I learned that The Ginger’s construction safety company

landed the contract on the new Buffalo Bills stadium back east. Well done Bones. No prisoners. Dress warm.

Today will require some outdoor work around Casa Claire. I need to clean and refill the troughs if the weather permits. I’m hoping I don’t have to do it by the bucket.

I’ll definitely be wearing my heavy duty 5 Sons Safety Carhartt Hoodie.

Either way, I better get a move on.

First some kitty cuddling and my rounds.

You fine, five readers make the most of your Sunday. God gave you the day of rest get out of work card.

I hear there are some exciting football games to be played.

Go Bills (as Lisa says – given her Jamestown roots – its the only real New York Team left).

But no matter what we do, let’s make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. Go Billsl is right. Helen and Kevin are life long Bills fans and yes they are the only true NY team. Congrats to Ginger on getting that job…..
    keep warm and yes there are days you just need to relax and allow yourself to be in the moment….
    be well my friend,

  2. Great news re the Bills’ gig… Two of Bergen Catholic’s all-time great linebackers(Penn State’s Joe Lally and Harvard’s Joe Azelby) were Bills’ draftees, so I have always had a soft spot for them -despite their inexplicable, inexcusable failure to draft or even reach out to yours truly!🙄😉😆

    1. So the rumors are true that you put the curse on the Bills. Worse than the White Sox or the Babe Ruth Boston curse, since it seems there is no end to yours.

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