Write What You Know

Now I’ve often mentioned how four decades as a NY commercial litigator has compelled me to be develop the ability to become an overnight superficial expert in the areas I litigate. Like high school French, I can quickly absorb enough relevant information to fake it through exams, or in my professional case, depositions, motions and trials, and sound like I really know what I’m talking about. Mon Dieu, I’ve fooled the best.

The voices in my head, years of determined study at a fine law school, and a savant ability to research, ensures that, in my day job, I really do know the law, each time and every time. You can bank on it.

Now anyone who has read The Claire Saga knows that I include a number of very diverse and often outlandish topics and lifestyles and blend them all together, seamlessly.

Everyone also knows, if they have read the acknowledgments in the books or a few of these blogs, that I draw heavily from my long life’s experiences and that I base my characters on real people who have passed through that long life. I don’t care what any other writer says, we all do it.

The lawyer in my head now tells me I better include that disclaimer – IT IS ALL FICTION. Moving on . . . .

But Claire the Mule is very real.

The art of good writing, whether legal or fiction, is to make everything in your work seem honest and true, no matter how outlandish.

The one goal I have when I write my books is to make the impossible seem plausible and have my readers come away wondering what is real and what is not. I want you to struggle to come to a conclusion. I want you all to think, “What if he’s telling the truth?”

I also love to leave gold nuggets throughout my books. Sometimes you may wonder why I mention something in passing. Sometimes it’s just a visual. Trust me, everything is included for a reason, whether it’s in the present book you are reading, one of the later books in a series, or in my blogs.

So, while you are waiting for Where The Ley Lines To Drop in April, go back and slowly re-read (or read for the first time) the first four novels (and their respective acknowledgments) in the series, and try to determine who/what is real and who/what is totally fiction. If you still have some reading time to kill, drill down on these blogs, there are three years worth, it really will make The Claire Saga experience far more meaningful. You may actually get to know me.

If I’ve done my job, and I believe I have, you’re never really going to be sure what is true and what is not.

Well, the truth is that today is Thursday. But Friday awaits.

It is January 11th, 2024, and the first new moon of the year.

Wonderful time to set new goals.

My intended goals today and every day are to successfully launch WTLLM in April and to bring The Claire Saga to the magical big screen.

I’ve got my intention candles burning.

There are a couple of favor candles for others burning as well.

But now I must get in some kitty cuddling and my rounds.

You fine, five readers go finish whatever needs to be finished in your work life, so you can spend tomorrow properly planning another wonderful weekend.

And whatever we do, real or fictitious, let us make today a great one.

2 Responses

  1. Thank goodness you are a Franciscan re critters, because that shrine looks scarily similar to the Santeria shrines we used to encounter in the door-kicking days of the 80s -early 90s!🙄😉

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