Sartorial Splendor

Yesterday was the first time since we had that cold spell and snow in the fall, where NoCo is entering an extended period where Alexa predicted that the temperature won’t rise much above 40 degrees F during the day, and most often not leave the 30s, and will dip into the 20s or below at night. It is also expected to snow.

Given Lisa’s expanding post-retirement role concerning all things Casa Claire, she wondered if it was time to put the coats back on the mules for the remainder of the winter. After all, there is nothing worse than waiting for snow and then trying to chase the mules around to get their halters on. Slipping onto hard winter ground is a disaster for man and beast.

I was going to put the old coats on Claire and Honey but Lisa thought it was time to put on the new, matching black watch tartan coats I had been saving for a special occasion.

Now it’s true, the tartans are a better choice because they are both the heavy duty models with the most insulation. But I considered those coats the Mules’ Sunday Best, and if you look back at some recent photos you can see that Claire can be harder on her winter coats than a Bronx boy playing skully on the summer sidewalk on his jeans.

But as the case with all major decisions, I capitulated. Discretion is the better part of valor.

So, after an exhausting game of halter ringolevio – why am I always it – in the side paddock, I gave Claire and Honey a good brushing (you can see how Claire’s coat has really thickened)

Honey’s coat as well (both Claire and Honey have notable mule licks on their coats).

And then I put their coats on.

Then I untied them. You could tell Honey was up for another round of Ringolevio.

But they instead happily sauntered off to the back area for some winter grazing and show and tell to the neighboring horses.

I know putting them in the Black Watch coats was the right decision because Lisa then sauntered out onto the back deck – like she was appearing on the Buckingham Palace Balcony – observed the end results and decreed it so.

I then got into a historical/cultural/religious debate with my brilliant (Bronx) Irish Catholic conscience – Pete Sheridan could give both Thomas Aquinas and Thomas More a run for their money – about the propriety of selecting the Black Watch as the McCaffreys of Casa Claire family tartan – come to think of it, Pete may be channeling Thomas Beckett as well – I left the Mules to their warm sartorial splendor and retreated to the warmth of the interior of Casa Claire. Oh, let me not forget to mention that John Bricker – who along with Petey appears as a character in WTLLM – admitted to wearing Black Watch boxers during this impassioned discussion (never allow three ex-CG&R lawyers get into a debate).

The mules seemed quite content bracing against the cold in their Black Watch coats when I went out to feed them this morning.

But now the morning approaches, and more needs to be done around Casa Claire in this new day. Just ask Lisa.

Thank God it’s Friday. Pure magic in its most enjoyable form.

You fine, five readers get yourself together, have that third cuppa and launch yourself towards the weekend. This may be the last week we can all get away with skiving because of the holidays.

But first I have to cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

And no matter what else we all may do, let us make today a great one.

A final shoutout to Pete Flanagan, with powerful wishes for a quick and full recovery from whatever ailment has recently laid him low. My prescription is to continue reading FJM to its conclusion. It’s bound to make you feel a little better. I mean, after all, you were around during some of the best parts.

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