Classic Corvidae

Yesterday, as I went about my business, I was constantly reminded of my affinity with my corvid cousins.

After getting Lisa all checked in for her early morning eye surgery, which was a complete success, I went outside to kill an hour. I was going to drive to the local Einstein Bagels – which are almost as good as Riverdale Bagels, but you don’t get to share in the morning acerbic wit and wisdom of Riverdale’s Cathy Tardibuono, or the earth mother sweetness of her sister Chrissy. I shall not forget Enzo, who always reminded me of a friend of ours.

Just before entering my Trusty Toyota Rav 4, I spotted the moon hovering over a lamppost in the eye surgery parking lot that looked a lot like a flying corvid. So, as is my nature, I snapped a photo.

When I came out of the EB shop, in the still predawn light, I witnessed a women feeding a conspiracy of ravens (as their flocks are known) in the still empty parking lot. She walked among them tossing shards of bagels like a Celtic witch as they cawed their collective appreciation. It was magical to watch.

I would have snapped some photos, but my iPhone was in the car, and I didn’t want to chance being turned into a toad.

When she caught me watching her, she smiled and waved and her conspiracy flew to the lampposts.

Once I got Lisa home with her now completely upgraded peepers, while she recovered in the living room, I took advantage of the nice weather and went out and handled some Claire related chores.

Along with Blue, Honey and Claire,

I was surrounded by my regular murder of crows (what their flocks are called) that enjoy pilfering peanuts from the mules’ many meals and snacks around Casa Claire.

I enjoy their company and their antics. Actually I’ve become quite accustomed to extended periods of just the company of animals on Casa Claire. My crow cousins are regular visitors. That’s why I like to snap their photos.

According to

“The crow spirit animal signifies wisdom for this black feathered creature is extremely intelligent. It urges you to be determined on your goals and stay fearless.

This bird symbolizes insight or an ability to see and think from a higher level. If the crow is your spirit animal, you would be blessed to see far beyond your current circumstances. The crow spirit, animal denotes intelligence, observation, intuition, and accurate observation of facts

* * * * *

When you have this animal totem, you are a creative person. Often you are perceived as eccentric because of your unusual ways of handling things.

You are insightful and observe things minutely. When change is needed you go through the most effortless transformation.”

I do enjoy the minutia in life, and I have been effortlessly transforming into my more creative self throughout the past seven years at Casa Claire. And eccentricity is a West of Ireland, Igoe-family blessing and curse, handed down from my Nana Burke.

Later in the afternoon, when I had to take Lisa back to Longmont to have the eye surgeon check on her immediate recovery from his skilled handiwork, I waited patiently outside in another section of the large parking lot – eye surgery is big out here. There, I was serenaded by a corvid cousin, a solitary raven, who would not stop cawing until I shot some video and took his photo.

I’m posting a video of his serenade on my FB page, because I haven’t figured out how to do it here –

According to a World Birds website:

“Raven spirit animal

If the raven is your spirit animal then you are likely an intelligent, curious, creative, and sociable personality. The raven spirit animal is often found in people with a deep-seated love for learning. Though they enjoy socializing, people with the raven spirit animal can appear eccentric or odd because of their intense fascination with the things that interest them.”

Well, I’m not sure about the intelligence, but I am curious and creative, and as any one of my fine, five readers can attest, I am irrefutably “eccentric or odd” because of the unique things that fascinate me.

Like corvids.

Well, today is the last Friday before the New Year, so that makes it even more magical.

If you must check in at work, may I suggest some “coffee badging” is in order.

If you are still enjoying your holiday into this last weekend, grab hold of it with both hands.

I’m going to go outside now and cuddle my feral kitties. Then do my rounds.

The former looks something like this:

The latter looks something like this:

But whatever we choose to do on this last Friday of 2023, let us make it a great one.

Oh, and a quick shout out to one of my CSHS classmates and friends, Peter Flanigan, who dropped me a quick note to tell me how much he is enjoying book three of The Claire Trilogy.

Thanks Pete, you rock. Love to Nancy.

8 Responses

  1. 0nly you could bogard TWO spirit animals as your own… and back in Rdale, the VCP pigeons are drumming you out. What’s next? Cowboy hats and chaps (w pants, please!)?
    Nice Friday blog, though. Thanks!

    1. Petey, I am forever enshrined in the Bronx Birds Hall of Fame for my touching description of the Jerome and Gerard Avenue pigeons in the early chapter of The Wise Ass. And yes, because both Ravens and Crows fall within the Corvid family, I get a Spirit Animal twofer. Luck of the Irish.

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