There’s One In Every Family

Yesterday, I received a package from my dear friend, Renee Clarke. Renee is one of my inner circle of readers and also appears as a central character in Where The Ley Lines Meet.

It turns out that Renee’s father, Jim Karn, has written a couple of children’s books: Little Jimmy’s Life on the Farm Stories and Little Jimmy’s Life on the Farm Stories 2.

These are charming stories lifted from the life of the author growing up on a farm in Ohio. They are simple morality lessons, told through childhood experiences, which the children in today’s world are in desperate need of. They are well written and nicely illustrated. They should be a staple on any child’s bedside table.

I also loved that the author goes out and reads his stories to local children. Children love to be read to.

Here’s a photo of Jim doing just that.

That is how you jump start an imagination.

Who among us remembers Mr. Green Jeans from Captain Kangaroo?

Well done Jim Karn. Thank you for contributing your books to the MOS Literary Bookshelf. We are honored to have you as part of the crew.

It’s no wonder Renee Clarke is such a voracious and discerning reader.

Well, I really hope that all of those children are so enamored with their introduction to reading and with the Jimmy character in these books that they grow up looking to read about another Jimmy in my books. Like all healthy crops, readers are grown with attention and care from the ground up.

So, at some point this weekend, these two inscribed books by Jim Karn will join the Mike O’Shay Literary Bookshelf, with the books by the parents of Adrienne Williams Stucki, and the other magical children’s books by Marissa Banez.

The MOS Literary Bookshelf caters to all age groups, like the young adult Dragon Singer series of books by S Kay Murphy.

Of course, The Claire Saga, has a broad demographic range from Teens to Centenarians, which must not be confused with Centaurians – although plenty Centaurians are Centenarians.

Well, the Winter Season is finally and officially upon us, but it is the Friday before Christmas, so the magic is flowing.

I hope you fine, five readers are all safely where you are supposed to be. And I hope that means you are among dear friends, family and other loved ones.

If there is a child among that group, grab a book and read it to them.

You will be doing yourself, them and the world a big favor.

I’ve got to go out now and cuddle some kiddies, then do my rounds.

Whatever today holds for each of us, let’s make it a great one.

4 Responses

    1. I Went to school and read for our grandchildren. Being their mystery reader made for the best memories…. reading is very important. Kudos to Renee’s dad…

  1. Did you know that Captain Kangaroo was a professor at CNR? Most of the world knew it as the College of New Rochelle, an excellent all-women’ Catholic college in bucolic Westchester. We Manhattan College Jaspers knew it as the “College of No Romance.”😉🙄😁

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